Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
Even Defoe said we need a striker :ross:
I think this can be turned around... look how joining Spurs has lead to stellar things for former players... Berbatov to Man U, Modric to RM, Bale to.... this is a club that transforms players into megastars... I'll have some of that thanks very much.
Yep, there are two sides to the tag "selling club"
The positive spin is, do you want to be the next Bale, Modric, Berbatov, Carrick? then Spurs is the place for you, vs. a City/Cheat$ki/etc where you are likely not to get game time and you career could stall.
Jeez, things can't be going well if even he doesn't know whats going on! Can't quite work out if what he said was a good thing or bad thing, either we've got him signed and told him not to say anything until we announce it or he is stalling to find out whether or not Bale will be here next season..
What do you mean if he doesn't?
so we still havent signd this guy then?
looking more and more like that model is intact
Eh? Pre-2009, we had an average net spend of 16 million quid a season, if memory serves. With the reported fee being bandied around for Soldado (25.6 million quid), if we do sign him we'll probably hit the 50 million quid mark transfer-fee wise this summer. Now, do you honestly think that we won't be able to raise 34 million quid from the sales of Ade, Hudd, Parker, Gomes, Townsend (possibly) et al, plus the 25 million-odd increase in our TV revenue? We've already reportedly clawed in about 3.5 million quid as a sell-on fee for Dos Santos, so if we do shift all the aforementioned players out, we'll probably raise enough to allow us to use the new TV deal money to cover the rest, which will leave us as stable as we were before this summer. So I'm not at all worried about this deal financially. My only concern is that we can't just buy Soldado and expect him to last the entire season: getting another striker is essential, to ensure we don't end up with Defoe and Dempsey as our two forward options.
Mumorn's source says Medical yesterday or today so still 4 hours to go.
Bostock signed for us but trained with Palace for a month so I don't know how you can use that excuse :lol:
Bostock signed for us but trained with Palace for a month so I don't know how you can use that excuse :lol:
Not sure we risked a £25 million pound player playing kick abouts with his old team mates risking injury on this one though!!
you have his face on your AVATAR???!!!
you ARE taking the tinkle !!!!! LOL
actually i was going to give you a holla about that
you know me. i enjoy a good spot of itk bashing as much as the next guy. to a point of illness i might add, but i have to say though that i dont see the need to attack one of ours
Mumorn is about as GG as anyone here...and if he says so. Then we really should take it on face value that he trusts his source
then there is the chance he is telling porkies. might as well laugh it off
i think both you guys have sort of boxed each other into corners somehow and neither of you want to back down
having said that Mumorns position is now heroic in that he is getting hounded by us ITK haters ...so he is already a martyr sticking his neck out.
if it doesnt come good, al people will focus on is him getting attacked. if it does happen!!! I think Mumorn will retire like Micheal jordans last shot against the Jazz in Byron's fudging FACE
I doubt he doesn't know whats going on, just makes no sense to talk about it before it's completely closed. Older player with a little more sense and media savvy.
pretty sure he's training alone.
So Salvo said it aint done, Soldado doesn't know what's happening as everything is up in the air but 'Mumorn off GG' says different! TBF it looks like this one might happen but nothing you have said has happened yet, so to be confident in your ability is a big shout!!