Steffen Freund
This isn't the US old boy, we care about our poor here.
however, car pooling IS a good idea!
This isn't the US old boy, we care about our poor here.
Any party that stood for election with a promise to dismantle the NHS would be annihilated at the polls. Likewise if they said we would pull out of Europe. Facts are that while the NHS is an expensive behemoth and sucks up whatever finance is thrown at it, it cannot be dismantled.
Europe is a different matter, I for one would happily pull out of all political ties with Europe but maintain strong trading links. Trouble is, Europe is dominated by centre left parties intent on creating a United States of Europe at whatever cost. The politics is so entwined with the trade that everything silts up and costs a fortune.
I'd agree with that - there are a lot of roads (such as the A34 and parts of the M3) where there are only two lanes. Driving down them is like being in the 1950s. In these cases you would need at least one extra lane, preferably another 3 - the fast lane (or lanes) could be charged whilst leaving the rest for those that don't mind queueing.
The technology is there to do this easily. The only problem is that to get motorists' support, the government would have to ensure that the technology could never be used for speeding enforcement - nobody is going to pay money just to travel at 70.
This isn't the US old boy, we care about our poor here.
and kiss goodbye to any hope of a work-life balance any semblance of socioalist society
We can but hope that we can finally ditch the modern myth of "socialism" as a working society mechanism.
you need some elements of socialism in the working society, otherwise you create nothing more than a culture whereby everyone has to try and reach "the top" and, of course, in the than mechanism the top never exists
lets not confuse socialism with "a hand out, lazy culture" - its a support and help culture (ie "welfare" rather than "benefits") that should allow everyone to live in an ok manner and allow all aspects to flourish, not just capitalism
maybe you want a society of nothing more than sales people - but its not for me, we need to consider people as well
Basically, survival of the fittest (within compassionate reason). Anything else, and we'll ultimately weaken ourselves and cause our own downfall.
Thankfully society has evolved from this view.
I want a society that is closer to our natural roots. Basically, survival of the fittest (within compassionate reason). Anything else, and we'll ultimately weaken ourselves and cause our own downfall.
What exactly has been suggested in relation to privatising the motorways ? .
I think some of the proposals are to build new motorways but in return allowing the company who built it to charge a toll. Apart from that, I don't know. I can't see how they can turn a profit filling in potholes that we complain about, I can see them being even less than willing to fill in potholes than the council as they are a private business.
Market forces. If the road is brick people avoid it and they make no money.
Market forces. If the road is brick people avoid it and they make no money.
Sadly, when companies conspire to offer a uniformly brick service while profiteering we all still use them because there are no decent alternatives. Well that's how it often feels when dealing with mobile phone and energy providers.
and those are markets that have mass choice!!
i think the Trains are the closest comparison - and we all know how that is
its not like a company are going to suddently "build a new road" to get from A to B or we will have 3 or 4 choices of road, it will just companies making big money out of people living (working, travelling for holiday etc) - the only place that won't be taxed is actually staying at home, sitting on your sofa or the air we breath