So what do we reckon is gonna happen then? May's deal gets voted down on the first reading. "Markets" go into a spaz. MP's bottle goes. May's deal gets voted through on 2nd reading. Tory Party irrevocably splits. Labour p1ss the next General Election as ANY sort of economic downturn will be blamed on May's Brexit deal and the new "people army party" will divide the Tory vote between the party of May and the party of Rees-Mogg.
Or not...
Oh and did anyone see the latest immigration figures for the past year?
about 70k immigrants from the EU vs circa 250,000 from rest of the world, mainly from Asia and India. The vast majority of our immigration has nothing to do with the EU. We have full control over the entry of those 250,000 people now, is Brexit really the answer ?
You're correct, mass immigration from around the world will not be halted merely by Brexit but, a hard Brexit is a step that we have to take, if we're to ever rid ourselves of the cultural marxism that has infested Parliament, our Civil Service and our Education system.
The United Nations Migration Pact, fully endorsed by the EU Commision, is on the table for treacherous Western Governments to sigh up too.
There's numerous videos about it but they're being taken down by the leftist Silicon Valley indoctrinators, as quickly as they're being posted...
I suggest people stop yapping 99% about the economy and look at a more pressing issue.
What a load of arrant gonads. The video, and the “cultural marxism” bile you’re spewing there as well.
Do you seriously think you’re making converts and friends?
You're correct, mass immigration from around the world will not be halted merely by Brexit but, a hard Brexit is a step that we have to take, if we're to ever rid ourselves of the cultural marxism that has infested Parliament, our Civil Service and our Education system.
The United Nations Migration Pact, fully endorsed by the EU Commision, is on the table for treacherous Western Governments to sigh up too.
There's numerous videos about it but they're being taken down by the leftist Silicon Valley indoctrinators, as quickly as they're being posted...
I suggest people stop yapping 99% about the economy and look at a more pressing issue.
Just when things start to get a bit boring, a filthy fascist rears it's head, just to make things interesting again. Nothing beats a bit of Nazi baiting!![]()
Only if you fall into the white vs non-white mindset. An alternative viewpoint is that you are now in a three-way Mexican standoff. Even though there are no Mexicans in this standoff. They are probably over your garden wall though.I dunno, there might be something to this. My wife is a black immigrant and our daughter is mixed race, so even in my own house the white man has become a minority. Place has gone to the dogs.
While I admit there needs to be a lot more focus and some level minded discussion on migration, this video is a load of bollox.You're correct, mass immigration from around the world will not be halted merely by Brexit but, a hard Brexit is a step that we have to take, if we're to ever rid ourselves of the cultural marxism that has infested Parliament, our Civil Service and our Education system.
The United Nations Migration Pact, fully endorsed by the EU Commision, is on the table for treacherous Western Governments to sigh up too.
There's numerous videos about it but they're being taken down by the leftist Silicon Valley indoctrinators, as quickly as they're being posted...
I suggest people stop yapping 99% about the economy and look at a more pressing issue.
While I admit there needs to be a lot more focus and some level minded discussion on migration, this video is a load of bollox.
I'd imagine many people simply switch off from it all due to the complete lack of any half-decent outcome. There's nobody to get behind for either major party, they either want something that's sub-optimal for the country or they want to do something damaging to democracy.Boring? If you think the current Westminster situation is boring, then what the buggery would you find interesting? The last time the executive and parliament were at such loggerheads, it ended in execution. It's heading for the weirdest parliamentary realignment since the Corn Laws, and the worst foreign policy fudge up since 1914.
What is it you want us to be discussing on here instead? Famine? Impending asteroid strikes? Would a pandemic be exciting enough?
I'd imagine many people simply switch off from it all due to the complete lack of any half-decent outcome. There's nobody to get behind for either major party, they either want something that's sub-optimal for the country or they want to do something damaging to democracy.
Labour have a handful of decent centrists but their party are bullying them out, the Conservatives seem to have forgotten how to conservative properly. The whole lot are a fudging mess. I can understand a general apathy and disdain for those on the ballot paper. I'm quite a nerd about economics and politics and my interest is waning.
Yeah, but you're a bitter old Thatcherite. @Gilzeantoscore, IIRC, is a Corbynite of such terrifying, Robespierresque orthodoxy that he makes Seumas Milne look conciliatory. He should be having a whale of a time.
The trouble is that there's bugger all consensus about what the radical centre really is. I suspect that we need about three different ones.
Corbyn's biggest failing is that he doesn't realise most of the electorate pay taxes and need their employers to survive if they want jobs.Need someone to invent it. While Corbyn is possibly close to something, his 1970s leftist bent doesn't have the right image to capture the centre. There needs to be greater invention.
Only if you fall into the white vs non-white mindset. An alternative viewpoint is that you are now in a three-way Mexican standoff. Even though there are no Mexicans in this standoff. They are probably over your garden wall though.
Corbyn's biggest failing is that he doesn't realise most of the electorate pay taxes and need their employers to survive if they want jobs.
His rhetoric might sound appealing to kids, students and life's underachievers but when it comes to a GE (as opposed to opinion polls) there are not enough of them to give him anything resembling a majority. The Conservatives got the last election completely wrong - timing, strategy, leader, everything. Yet Corbyn contrived to perform as badly as Brown.