Steffen Freund
European coal and steel community the precursor to the EEC
Indeed; not the Political entity we have today wouldn't you agree?
European coal and steel community the precursor to the EEC
It had a political goal not economic, prevent war.Indeed; not the Political entity we have today wouldn't you agree?
It had a political goal not economic, prevent war.
EEC from wiki
The main aim of the EEC, as stated in its preamble, was to "preserve peace and liberty and to lay the foundations of an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe". Calling for balanced economic growth, this was to be accomplished through.
Pretty political there, trade is and always had been a means not a destination.
It was also a 'myth' that the European Union wanted one currency amongst member states; it was also a myth that they sought Political Union and an EU army, i mean "European Defence Union". You just have to look at the treaties and policies they bring to the table and what come to be and compare to when previously such things were labelled as "pie in the sky" to see the direction of travel.
Don't worry; i don't need to read the Sun or the Mail to see these things. Just reading the words direct from Juncker and co's mouth and articles is enough![]()
Fair reply.
But we don't have the Euro. Neither do the EU nations of Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland,Romania and Sweden. Having a single currency futhers trade - you can appreciate that i'm sure? Trade transactions don't need currency conversion so a single currency is a practicle aid to trade. BUT all these nations are in the EU with their own currency! How could this be??? When the EU is supposed to be on a clear decicisive course to a superstate? All of these nations have their own language and culture, and some of the most distinct histories in the world! You are more than deluded if you think they could let go of their histories and become like an American state. It is laughable that you even believe its possible, that any european nation would remotely entertain the idea. You wouldn't, why do you partake in a myth that others would accept it?
Haha; it's not ME that's deluded enough to think a United States of Europe is possible; it's the likes of Juncker and the bigwigs of the EU themselevs who believe this! Look at what they write, spout and in the end do (or try to do)!!
I agree that it's not workable but that hasn't stopped them from trying! It will all end in tears but they cannot see that; it's best we are out of it as far as i'm concerned.
As i've continued to say if the EU was simply about Economics and Trade and NOT the Politics and the eventual Political Union that they are aspiring to, i'm sure Brexit wouldn't be happening
EU government leaders want to achieve things, do more, and their powers are highly limited. That's natural that they want to do more. But I'm glad we agree that a federal europe is off the cards and not possible.
imo the UK needs to team up with the Nordic countries, Italy, Poland - the EU nations that are more euro-sceptical - and look at ways to manage freedom of movement, while remaining in the EU. Large political factions in Germany and France would also be allies. We needn't lose freedom of movement completely - to be free is a fantastic human right. That you or I could up sticks this afternoon and move around, work, travel etc is a fantastic liberty. But we need to protect democratic indigenous peoples who are not happy with FOM at the moment. We need a means to send people back if they are not working for an extended period of time. The essence of this is already in EU law it just needs clarifying and solidifying.
If we did this, it would address the key concern for most Brexit voters.
Anyone see the loon outside Reese Moggs house giving him and his kids what for?
Every report i have seem is they have the numbers to force the leadership election but nowhere near to win the head to head, if you look at the 70-80 you quote they need this again to win the head to head. A challenge could win against May but not from the Brexit camp and if their candidate loses to May or a non-HArd Brexit alternative beats her they lose more.
May is a lame duck, its very likley Chequers goes through and we are worse than status quo. Even with this a BREXIT candidate does not have the numbers and any credible alternative will know that taking over before Brexit is a mistake. There is no saving the situation we are in now, there may have been a good BREXIT (I dont think so) at some point but reaching it from where we are now is a no/shrinking possibility.
He said that if there was realism (ie, if the UK moved on from Chequers) a deal could be tied up. That was misread as it being realistic to tie up a deal in eight weeks.
There are many aspects of Chequers that the EU absolutely won't accept. CETA, and a formulation on the backstop that screws the DUP and brings in a sea border, is far more likely to fly. That may be spun as Chequers-minus, but it would be very, very different. We won't get a partial single market and we won't get a separation between goods and services.
The big question now is whether Tory remainers would vote down CETA.
Haha; it's not ME that's deluded enough to think a United States of Europe is possible; it's the likes of Juncker and the bigwigs of the EU themselevs who believe this! Look at what they write, spout and in the end do (or try to do)!!
I agree that it's not workable but that hasn't stopped them from trying! It will all end in tears but they cannot see that; it's best we are out of it as far as i'm concerned.
As i've continued to say if the EU was simply about Economics and Trade and NOT the Politics and the eventual Political Union that they are aspiring to, i'm sure Brexit wouldn't be happening
It was also a 'myth' that the European Union wanted one currency amongst member states; it was also a myth that they sought Political Union and an EU army, i mean "European Defence Union". You just have to look at the treaties and policies they bring to the table and what come to be and compare to when previously such things were labelled as "pie in the sky" to see the direction of travel.
Don't worry; i don't need to read the Sun or the Mail to see these things. Just reading the words direct from Juncker and co's mouth and articles is enough![]()
That's a bit of a reach.Slightly off topic but I notice Obama came out and said Trump was the symptom not the cause.
Considering the guy was president for 8 before him, does that mean that Obama thinks he is someway to blame because frankly I think if the is a swing to the right in any point in history it is usually because things have swung to far to the left presiding it.
What you guys think is Obama finally admitting to his part in Trumps rise.
That's a bit of a reach.
I've seen it described as a portion of the populace, the middle class mostly, who voted for a change from the status quo and that option was Trump . Hillary represented a continuance of a failed system in their eyes. It is a choice that clearly has backfired, and with the benefit of hindsight there's no doubt Clinton would have made a far superior president, though probably not much different than her predecessors. Trump was the most unsuitable candidate in the country but I guess they rolled the dice, and lost.I know Clinton is a bit of a clam, but why did people fall for some rabble rouser(Trump) and not continue to vote for a steady pair of hands in the democrats?
Anyone see the loon outside Reese Moggs house giving him and his kids what for?
Yet despite being able to see what is going on out there,half the UK electorate is considering voting for an extremist who is totally unsuited to lead the country.I've seen it described as a portion of the populace, the middle class mostly, who voted for a change from the status quo and that option was Trump . Hillary represented a continuance of a failed system in their eyes. It is a choice that clearly has backfired, and with the benefit of hindsight there's no doubt Clinton would have made a far superior president, though probably not much different than her predecessors. Trump was the most unsuitable candidate in the country but I guess they rolled the dice, and lost.
There could be an upside in that the Trump's presidency will shake the whole thing up to an extent that something truly meaningful might fall out of it. Political outcomes are for sale in America and their system had already been on a trajectory moving away from true democracy for years, well before Trump came on the scene. Maybe this will cause a swing back to something more democratic and socialist leaning.