Steffen Freund
Cambridge University and the commie spys?
Whoever, if they are chums with The Royal Family and part of what would be called "The Landed Gentry"
Cambridge University and the commie spys?
Nope, it's the TV that count and all of them bar GBNews are very left leaning and vomit inducingly pro-remain.The mirror, guardian and observer are left.
Telegraph (tiny readership) times, mail and express are right.
I discount the sun etc. When I was labouring in the 80s, the sun was read by lots of the guys who all were labour, despite a massive tory government. Don't think the sun is that important.
Don't think the newspapers actually have as much sway as people think.
I would also add non news programs so documentaries etc and most of those are a certain view. I actually even stopped watching countrywise because one particular presenter (the ginger one) brought politics into every segment.Nope, it's the TV that count and all of them bar GBNews are very left leaning and vomit inducingly pro-remain.
You think the Guardian is left wing? When right at the moment is main headline is campaigning against a modest reinstatement of some basic workers' right that Truss and co. ditched?The mirror, guardian and observer are left.
Telegraph (tiny readership) times, mail and express are right.
I discount the sun etc. When I was labouring in the 80s, the sun was read by lots of the guys who all were labour, despite a massive tory government. Don't think the sun is that important.
Don't think the newspapers actually have as much sway as people think.
I would have to disagree with this. Rhe majority of the mainstream media are I. The hands of a very small group of very rich individuals who are naturally right wing biased and that bias feed into the publications they own.
Left wing politicians face much greater challenge and outright lies from the msm compared to right wing politicians like Johnson, sunak, farage, tice and truss.
The rich billionaires behind the msm didn’t like corbyns socialist agenda nor the popularity of his movement so did everything they could to cut him down
Yes I doYou think the Guardian is left wing? When right at the moment is main headline is campaigning against a modest reinstatement of some basic workers' right that Truss and co. ditched?
Employment rights reforms ‘could cost UK businesses £5bn a year’
Government analysis says those on low pay stand to benefit most, with some potentially earning extra £600 a
Face is a waste of a great pair of tits though.Superb leader.
I'm trying to think how left-wing you have to be to view The Guardian as not being left-wing? Look, The Guardian are very left-wing, but they're also a broadsheet and will report on any officially released government analysis, in a relatively unbiased manner, and I'm not sure this reporting is about The Guardian being against employment reforms. I think they're just reporting on the possible negative consequences of these particular proposed employment reforms. After all, if you have more employment rights, but that means employers can no longer afford to employ as many people, is it un-left-wing thing to question whether they're the right suite of reforms?You think the Guardian is left wing? When right at the moment is main headline is campaigning against a modest reinstatement of some basic workers' right that Truss and co. ditched?
Employment rights reforms ‘could cost UK businesses £5bn a year’
Government analysis says those on low pay stand to benefit most, with some potentially earning extra £600 a
Are the MSM pro-Israel or happy go along with Israel's view of the middle east?A lot of the MSM are very pro-Israel (or at least happy to go along with the Israeli viewpoint on the long-term Middle Eastern issues) and i think were very scared that views that could normally be airbrushed away/dismissed as being "fringe" would now get a bit more legitimacy and certainly create more broader debate/open discussion rather than be labelled as being from said 'lunatic fringes'.
That's before you get to his more socialist/left-leaning viewpoints (which i think again, were threats to what would be classed as the 'accepted orthodoxy')
I think that led to some of the most organised smear campaigns that i have seen a single politician have to face in the last 3 decades in the UK
I think you've hit on a point there in that the property investment boom really happened due to the post-financial crash interest rate environment, which left traditional savings and investments options with trash returns and cheap credit and a property market that could only recover upwards in terms of value being the sensible investment choice between 2008 to circa 2018.I would like to add a perception to what's written above on buy-to-let landlords. There seems to be a perception that these guys and gals are milking it. Unfortunately, it's just not true anymore.
To set a context, to engage in the buy to let market you now need a massive deposit in the first place. Whatever your normal stamp duty would be on your property purchase, you then have to pay an addition 3%. Finally, between 2016 and 2021, including your mortgage payment in your tax return was eliminated. In other words you couldn't include that as a cost, so your declared profit was much, much higher. This profit is then loaded into your PAYE calculation so if you're earning above £50k, then it's all at 40% tax. If you're lucky enough to be higher then as you hit the £100k threshold you lose your personal allowance of £12.5 for every pound earned.
What then happened was interest rates went up, meaning all the buy-to-let mortgages went up. A lot of them are interest only. It was the interest rates that drove the monthly rental rates up, not the landlords as they are barely breaking even. The only other way you could make money was house prices increasing. That has slowed to flat to negative in most places. Even if there is profit, there is capital gains tax.
Basically, the prior government implemented a very smart and progressive strategy to put the brakes on the buy-to-let market. It was a cash cow to the rich prior to 2015. It is anything but that now to the hard working private individuals who used to make the buy-to-let move.
This all means that if you had access to say, £100k, now the last thing you would do is invest in another property. Instead, you would leverage your carry forward calculation and load it into your pension pot as they're growing way faster than anything you can get from property. Also if you've got less than 50% equity in your buy to let property you're probably thinking of selling up and moving your money into another part of your portfolio. It's just not a great investment anymore. Those days are over, especially if you've got a mortgage on your own house and are suffering the higher monthly payments due to the interest rates.
What we now need is the new government to address the companies that have property portfolios, as the private individuals are already dealt with.
ClassyFace is a waste of a great pair of tits though.
The bit in bold, I complete agree with, we do have a problem with people not wanting to do certain jobs, but then their is another flip to that coin. We are constantly told that the English are lazy, no one wants work as you have pointed out, but the truth is, as a % the white British are the group lest likely to be out of work.
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And here as well
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Now of course, there could be many reasons for this, but decades, we have been constantly told that white people are lazy and that migrants are harder workers, this is simple not true. People have used but the Polish work two jobs, look at how hardworking they are... What they fail to tell you is that most of them are snorting coke to keep going, and I know this as I have worked in places where this happens, and after 5 years they are burned out and go home with a pot of money, and good to them, they worked hard for it. What it does though is create unrealistic work expectancies by employers that British don't want to work as hard too. And the British, they can't, they can't go home after 5 years, they have families to provide for and can't be snorting coke for decades to work at an insane level work.
Of course, I am not saying this is everywhere, but it is a still a huge factor in things and needs to be added to the conversation and debate.
Some of the laziest people I have ever worked with have been migrant workers.
So the truth is migrant workers are just like us, you get ya nice ones, ya bad one, you're hard working ones, you're lazy one, smart and thick, and everything in between and a combination of everything.
So yeah, their are a lazy bunch of people who need a kick up the ass, but the answer is not to rely on migration to solve the problem and the problem is not as big as you make it out to be, there has been a great manipulation going on by government that does stack up with figures.
Then there is argument they bringing wealth to the country? Well no, not really, as we have seen they are more likely to be unemployed, but this wealth figure is massively skewed by a tiny minority that bring billions with them. Just as they way they spin deals with companies etc, this deal will make everyone on average £3000 richer.... No most people will get 10p, the top 1% will get millions each.
As for the trump comments, the guy is wigged w**k gibbon. And he is going to win, because the democrats haven't got a clue what they are doing. How cr*p do you have to be to lose to Trump.
And you are making the same mistake about Farage a lot of the time, you hear what you want to hear, and you only ever listen to what been reported, cut to Cherry pick to create a label to attack the person. I hate Farage, especially when it comes to science and climate change, the guy is a blithering idiot, but I like to watch whole videos to understand the context of what is being said, and he doesn't anything near what people think he says the vast majority of the time, most of it is being being twisted by the media that you watch to portray him as something he is not.
I think you've hit on a point there in that the property investment boom really happened due to the post-financial crash interest rate environment, which left traditional savings and investments options with trash returns and cheap credit and a property market that could only recover upwards in terms of value being the sensible investment choice between 2008 to circa 2018.
Combination of property market reforms and interest rates being returned to historic norms make property investment less attractive.
Then every cries and throws their teddies out the pram when he gets the third highest number of votes in general elect and the EU referendum and wonder why lost, then come out with outlandish claim that people where this, people where that.
No, the problem was a political elite so arrogant that they new best, that they never listened to the concerns of the people, just insulted them, called them racist, bigots and any other ist and phobe under sun.
And this is why exactly why Trump will win, because the otherside ain't listening.
Jonathon Pie highlights some of the issues here.
You also need to stop assuming, I don't have a seering rage over immigration, I have concerns. I have a seering rage that the only argument from the people I debate with is to label me a racist, bigot, Nazi, and Facist as their first line of debate... Completely ignoring actual evidence from actual studies, to be labelled cherry picking... Well no, studies are studies, I don't get to choose what they say.
I just want balanced and sustainable immigration, and for me 200,000 a year is in no way sustainable as we are already over populated as we already can't grow enough food to feed ourrselves, which has been the case for decades long before we entered the EU most probably. I want criminals to be deported, just as british people when abroad and they commit crime they are deported. I don't want people coming to country who have nothing to offer us at all, in the same way I can't move to any country I want if I have nothing to offer them.
I also want a govenment that has ability to come up with ideas and sell a future vision of the UK and not use migration as a fix all for every problem in the UK, that will never end well. Lowing the bar so low that anyone without a skill can enter, it's just pure lazy government that has sown the seeds of discord. And no, I am not blaming immigrants, I am blaming decades of incompetent governement.
I don't want people arriving by boat, 99% of which, are young working age men and in no way are refugee's, some, a tiny minority, maybe Dr's that media can cherry pick to sell a lie to the people, whilst crime and sexual assaults increase in these area...
Britian has long history of helping refugees and rightly so, but what we are seeing now is not refugees and people are buring their hands pretending that everything is fine and it is not.
It is not just happening here, it's across the whole of Europe, Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, Germany are all having the same problems with the same reasons and it is they left just bury their head in the sand ignoring the reasons why. And they all don;t understand why.
And I don't want the far right in in charge, but they will, because the left are full on ignoring everything they don't like in the hopes if they lie enough the problem will go away and it want.
lol pro remain?? When they’ve allowed the likes of farage and rice a platform to spout their unmitigated gonads completely unchallenged throughout the brexit referendum and long after brexit was revealed to be a complete and utter failure?Nope, it's the TV that count and all of them bar GBNews are very left leaning and vomit inducingly pro-remain.
Cheers mate, your words are always both appreciated and a vital part of the discussions which keep us all on this forum.@thfcsteff
Some genuine nuggets of absolute truth in there, bravo.
Arent you just reflecting your own biased view on a news outlet and labelling them. I mean your opinion that brexit has been a complete and utter failure is subjective and many don't hold that view. Whether something is a success or failure depends on what your view of success or failure looked like. If you simply didn't want your country to be in the EU then it's been a resounding pro remain?? When they’ve allowed the likes of farage and rice a platform to spout their unmitigated gonads completely unchallenged throughout the brexit referendum and long after brexit was revealed to be a complete and utter failure?
Hard disagree from me.