Ricky Villa
Behaviour around multiple property ownership can be controlled via a progressive tax on the rent. Every additional home would jump into a higher tax band until it makes no economic sense to own any more.I am ok with people buying to let but there has to be some control where people who are owning more than one property can't double down, when I say double down I mean 1 they are taking inventory off the market and 2 making it unaffordable in rent by inflating rent xtimes over the mortgage. I think the idea people earn x3 the mortgage cost in renting whilst also earning on the end with potentially an appreciated asset because you are in your 50s and 60s and can afford to speculated WHILST Tom and Jenny are 23 and clubbed together their resources and can't get on either ladder........its an issue.
I have an even more simple ides to homes because I think a home and a roof over the head is the first foundation of life, I don't understand how we have allowed it to become such a part time enterprise that people can accumulate property for person gain to harm and put strain on the market for others, there is plenty of other things to do with personal wealth and I just think the housing market should be more "off" limits or alot more regulated. But thats just a personal view which I am sure would be ridiculed