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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

As James o brien said how is it credible that the person with ultimate responsibility for defining the covid rules and guidance and for briefing said rules and guidance out to the uk population did not understand those rules and guidance?

If he gets off it shows how bent our government is, and will give his fellow fringe lunatics plenty of inspiration to keep poisoning British politics.

His position has gone from, “Categorically, there were no parties” to “”There were parties but I wasn’t there” to “I was at the parties but didn’t realise they were parties.”

He was a shambles today, and the spoilt little boy wasn’t far from the surface. He’s finished now in the eyes of the public. I think the committee will sink him, but even if they don’t he’s out on his hole at the next election.

People remember that when his rules said you could be fined for sitting on a park bench, or sunbathing in a park, he was doing whatever the fudge he wanted in Downing Street.

He and his wife-beating father are the absolute dregs.
That's what makes for good stories in the press. The reality is that our tax burden is about as high as it's ever been:

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That's not to say that the quality of public services hasn't diminished, but it's not because the government is too conservative.

Higher tax burden.
Lower quality of product from said investment.

Honestly - that sounds like the (C/c)onservatism I've seen in my 40 years on this planet.
I know it's not what you think conservatism should be; but it is what Conservatism is, and has been for decades.
There is no correlation to Socialism within that. There are, however, big echoes of Communism. The difference being these Conservatives don't even bother to pretend the commune is anything outside of the self interest of them and their mates.
His position has gone from, “Categorically, there were no parties” to “”There were parties but I wasn’t there” to “I was at the parties but didn’t realise they were parties.”

He was a shambles today, and the spoilt little boy wasn’t far from the surface. He’s finished now in the eyes of the public. I think the committee will sink him, but even if they don’t he’s out on his hole at the next election.

People remember that when his rules said you could be fined for sitting on a park bench, or sunbathing in a park, he was doing whatever the fudge he wanted in Downing Street.

He and his wife-beating father are the absolute dregs.
To "Yes there were parties. I knew about them. I decided they were essential for morale. I am great leader and did what had to done to get it done."

So in summary, Johnson decided to show great leadership by authorizing parties and contributing to parties to boast* morale, whilst simultaneously having no knowledge of the existence of the parties despite being at the parties that he didn't know were parties, because he wasn't at the parties, because there were no parties.

*Note - not a typo
Higher tax burden.
Lower quality of product from said investment.

Honestly - that sounds like the (C/c)onservatism I've seen in my 40 years on this planet.
I know it's not what you think conservatism should be; but it is what Conservatism is, and has been for decades.
There is no correlation to Socialism within that. There are, however, big echoes of Communism. The difference being these Conservatives don't even bother to pretend the commune is anything outside of the self interest of them and their mates.
Whilst a real conservative govt might not be within your memory, there has been one in your lifetime - that's the good bit on the graph.

The lot since then have been a shambles - hence my comment about decades of socialism.
I can't believe people still give a fudge about whether some MPs had a fudging party.

Johnson's going to go down in history as the worst Conservative PM in living memory for all kinds of reasons but having a party isn't and shouldn't be one of them.
Whilst a real conservative govt might not be within your memory, there has been one in your lifetime - that's the good bit on the graph.

The lot since then have been a shambles - hence my comment about decades of socialism.

Thatcher? And Major?

Definitely not decades of socialism - socialism focuses on society and positive development, as does conservativsm; just with different mind sets. Blair was probably mixture of the two. But there has been very little actual socialism in the UK for a very very long time. And very little in general. The UK isn't a socialist country, it's a conservative one.
I can't believe people still give a fudge about whether some MPs had a fudging party.

Johnson's going to go down in history as the worst Conservative PM in living memory for all kinds of reasons but having a party isn't and shouldn't be one of them.

Johnson or Truss?! :eek:
I can't believe people still give a fudge about whether some MPs had a fudging party.

Johnson's going to go down in history as the worst Conservative PM in living memory for all kinds of reasons but having a party isn't and shouldn't be one of them.
I just want to get rid of him and his cronies, for their corruption, arrogance and incompetence and this seems like it has a chance of doing the job.
I just want to get rid of him and his cronies, for their corruption, arrogance and incompetence and this seems like it has a chance of doing the job.

The many thousands who were unable to say goodbye to loved ones who died of covid will be interested in seeing the back of him for different reasons. Watching him come out with that crock of brick yesterday must have been painful beyond what most of us can understand.
Thatcher? And Major?

Definitely not decades of socialism - socialism focuses on society and positive development, as does conservativsm; just with different mind sets. Blair was probably mixture of the two. But there has been very little actual socialism in the UK for a very very long time. And very little in general. The UK isn't a socialist country, it's a conservative one.
Major wasn't great, but he inherited a near perfect system. Even Blair took a while to turn the ship around.

If the govt take huge chunks of my money to spend on public services that could be better provided by private competition, then that's closer to socialism than I want to be.
The many thousands who were unable to say goodbye to loved ones who died of covid will be interested in seeing the back of him for different reasons. Watching him come out with that crock of brick yesterday must have been painful beyond what most of us can understand.
Would they have been able to say goodbye to their loved ones if he hadn't had a party?
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I just want to get rid of him and his cronies, for their corruption, arrogance and incompetence and this seems like it has a chance of doing the job.
I want the same result by different methods.

If this kangaroo court succeeds, it will be a victory for pettiness and political tribalism. There's no doubt Johnson should face an investigation, but over his handling of COVID and leaving us with decades of debt to pay.
I can't believe you were actually supporting these 'socialists' all this time. What a plot twist.
They're a shower but they want to tax and spend less than the other lot. That makes them the lesser of the two evils.

Both Johnson and Sunak came in with the right credentials and (I believe) intentions. Both ended up spending too much of my money.
They're a shower but they want to tax and spend less than the other lot. That makes them the lesser of the two evils.

Both Johnson and Sunak came in with the right credentials and (I believe) intentions. Both ended up spending too much of my money.
Sorry mate you have been outed as a remain voting, electric car-driving socialist. Next thing you'll be saying Brexit wasn't done right.
Major wasn't great, but he inherited a near perfect system. Even Blair took a while to turn the ship around.

If the govt take huge chunks of my money to spend on public services that could be better provided by private competition, then that's closer to socialism than I want to be.
And that is exactly why this is nothing like socialism and has greater echoes of Communism. The money is being taken; it's not being used of public services.
Especially the past 12 years. And a bit under New Labour if I remember correctly - although I was far less engaged then.
I want the same result by different methods.

If this kangaroo court succeeds, it will be a victory for pettiness and political tribalism. There's no doubt Johnson should face an investigation, but over his handling of COVID and leaving us with decades of debt to pay.
If it fails, it justifies, nee authorizes, outright lying and misleading of Parliament - to the point where Parliament becomes irrelevant.
Jokes aside - that is democracy in name only and is basically a banana republic. We let happen with Johnson, we have to learn from that and guard against any repeat. If it isn't stopped now, there will be no turning back.