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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

This won't wash. They have taken it too far this time and no spin will cover the fallout. This is not even a pale imitation of conservatism at this point. They are cashing out and poisoning the well for the next patsy that comes along. fudge everyone and fudge off.

I'm not sure there are enough gormless fudges to vote them in next time though, but who knows as this has been the right's playbook as long as politics have existed and they still come back.

I think you give the British public too much credit.
Direct cost
So it's highly likely this budget makes you worse off.
And that's what it's designed to do - it targets single quick wins for the "oh, that's helped me" factor:
NI reversal.
Stamp Duty change.
Reduction in higher rate of tax.

It's (possibly rightly) treating the electorate as economically illiterate.
Quick wins and ignoring the big picture impacts.

It's a big step towards redrawing the UK along US lines, but without the same type of economy to back it up. The conditions it creates will lead to the start of eroding workers rights.
In the Tory's defense, they are trying to create a landscape that appeals to international business and more greatly integrate the UK challenging in new markets, because we left a really big one.

Love it or loathe it, this is what Brexit looks like. This is what anyone voting should have expected as they voted Brexit with an incumbent Tory govt.
If someone comes to power in two years, it'll be interesting to see what direction they take. I don't see how Brexit fits with Labour or others ethos. Probably just having to exist in a low tax, low growth economy. That's where we are. Not sure how that changes significantly whomever is in power.
It's more about being able to produce our own demand - that protects us from global shocks.
That doesn't protect us from global shocks. It instead simply enables the oil and gas companies to make bigger profits during times of high prices. As consumers we would still be paying the inflated prices for the energy.
There's plenty of case law for blocking exports of vital products when at war. This may be a cold war but it's a war all the same.

I don't think there would be much disagreement with keeping our energy if we were producing enough to survive on.
Interesting.... You feel that a windfall tax would deter companies from investing but blocking exports of oil and gas wouldn't deter them? Sorry but that simply doesn't make sense Scara.
This new budget is absolutely brilliant for me in terms of keeping more of the money I earn/have earned.... Yet I am absolutely appalled by it. I'll be increasing my charitable donations by a consumate amount to the money I am saving in tax. I trust the charities I donate to far more than I do this government to spend that money wisely anyway.