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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Don't be fooled by the noisy minority , the majority of Scots have no interest in independence.
Even fewer will when they realise that if the UK leaves the EU and Scotland "wins" independence there will be a hard border with England.
And that's just one of the many things the SNP doesn't want to talk about.

The Mrs and I want to declare UDI or move our house to Oban!
Didn't they give us a vote on AV, rather than PR, or some fudge that wouldn't have changed anything much anyway? I seem to remember it ultimately being little better.

Lib Dems would have about 70 seats if we had PR, apparently. But then again they were happy to cancel the result of a PR vote had they won under FPTP so...

(Not that that would've bothered me.)

I believe they agreed to change the boundaries for general elections if they got the referendum on PR vote, then changed their mind when the lost the vote.
Sign of the times and has been for a while, it seems that those who lose a democratic vote feel they have a right to call the other side all sorts of things, you only have to read the begining of this thread to see those who voted for Brexit being called all sorts ( including being branded/suggested as racists by some).

What i dont like is that those who lose do not walk away thinking how can we change to convince the public to vote for us next time.

I liked Corbyn and some of his interesting policies but perhaps they needed polishing or diluting slightly to convince others to vote for them.

Instead you get people protesting about a democratic election and even in this thread absolute idiots saying were like 1930s Germany just because they dont like the result.

What is the problem with some people not accepting losing? I have voted on the losing side more times then the winning side, seems i like the tories when their in opposition and Labour when their in opposition.

Think it might have something to do with banning school sports days. These snowflakes dont understand about coming second at things.
That's biggest regret about brexit tbh, we had seriously considered moving to France or Germany when we retired.
Would have been so easy, now not sure how it will turn out.

would also have loved to have done that! But we/I was too chicken and the medical side of things was a perceived hassle! Big sigh!
Fellas you will still be able to. Just the ease of it will be slightly less. And that is Brexit in a nutshell. Everything from trade to travel will be slight less free, individually it won’t be terrible, collectively (like a whole economy) it will have an impact. And we literally get nothing back in return. Our own trade deals with row (probably not as good as the the EU ones we have now) and less migration from European cousins and more from Asia and Africa.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
It's the weather and way of life more than anything else.
Change of seasons instead of different temperatures of rain would be a good start.
I can take the winter weather if you know there's a decent summer, but it's brick here.

Totally. Don’t wait. Do it.

Was at a conference in Clyde. There was heat wave in the UK. Sun plastered across the isles. Apart from Glasgow! Where it was grey and drizzling [emoji23]

Cost of living in Spain or wherever is better. Grow some food. Get a pool. Cheap flights back if you need. Plus can work from anywhere these days if you get bored.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app