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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

The net contribution the UK paid to the EU in 2016 was £8.6b

We - tax payers - are paying £40b a year in interest on government borrowing. Today a Tory government announced it will be borrowing more.

If the Brexit vote had not happened the economy would have powered out of this debt. We saw a few gdp % points less growth primarily because of the brexit vote result.
You can't quote the net figure when we can't control how the money coming back is spent. If the EU spaffs that up a wall on farmers and other such nonsense then it's no good to us.
I don't think this filibustering will end up working but it would be hilarious if the subject wasn't so serious - peers turning up with a packed lunch lol.
The opposition will force closure on the amendments. It'll take a bit of time but should all be done before prorogue kicks in, is the way I understand it.
May didn't negotiate at all - both the EU side and her own team have admitted that since Johnson became PM. We don't have a single idea what the EU's real position is, because we haven't even begun to negotiate.

If the remainers weren't all being such treacherous clams, then maybe we'd have some time to actually sit down and negotiate properly. It will have to be rushed now as they've left us no alternative.
Haha. Even Dominic Cummings has described the negotiations as a "sham." We haven't sat down to negotiate properly because Boris does not have anything new to add. This pantomime was put on, under Cummings direction, in order to force a general election. This is just more chess games by a party I once had a grudging respect for. I hope their behaviour comes back to bite them, they have created a divided society, broken public services, more rough sleepers than I can remember and there's still more to come.
Haha. Even Dominic Cummings has described the negotiations as a "sham." We haven't sat down to negotiate properly because Boris does not have anything new to add. This pantomime was put on, under Cummings direction, in order to force a general election. This is just more chess games by a party I once had a grudging respect for.
That comment was denied, I believe.
It's funny the complaint a decade ago was there was no difference between the Tories and Labour. Now they are such poles apart that the only thing they appear to have in common is they are both equally brick. The only positive in this brickstorm is that more young people are engaged in politics than ever.
How anyone can defend Boris after yesterday's shenanigans I'll never know. But we find ourselves in a situation, in this country, where there is no place for moderates in the main two parties.
Reverse that - of course remainders would make up things others have said to make them look worse.
If you follow the way the Tory party has behaved before, during and now after yesterday's vote I think it is fair to say that Boris has been trying to force an election.
If you follow the way the Tory party has behaved before, during and now after yesterday's vote I think it is fair to say that Boris has been trying to force an election.
Only because parliament is using unconstitutional means to force through legislation going against the will of the people via a broken, hobbit speaker.
Only because parliament is using unconstitutional means to force through legislation going against the will of the people via a broken, hobbit speaker.
What will of the people? There was no will for a no deal. Boris and his cronies went against the will of the people by voting against Theresa May's deal 3 times was it?
What will of the people? There was no will for a no deal. Boris and his cronies went against the will of the people by voting against Theresa May's deal 3 times was it?
Without this bill the two options for Brexit are leaving with a deal and leaving without one. Like it or not, both are well within the remit of the referendum result.

If the bill passes, the only result that can happen is remaining - precisely the opposite of the referendum result.
Removing the whip from and Deselecting moderates who disagreed with him. Even though he himself voted against the government's agreement.
Good. Should have hanged them for treason too.

They're not moderates, they're using parliamentary loopholes to subvert the will of the people.
Without this bill the two options for Brexit are leaving with a deal and leaving without one. Like it or not, both are well within the remit of the referendum result.

If the bill passes, the only result that can happen is remaining - precisely the opposite of the referendum result.
Nonsense it is extending the time for negotiating a deal. If Boris was so bothered about getting out,he should have voted for May's deal then renegotiate from a position of strength. Instead, he was hungry for power. Most leavers wanted control of their borders May's deal would have given us that while also leaving.