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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

The whole UNWRA thing is a microcosm of the whole Israel/Palestine thing. I have no doubt that UNWRA is compromised and used by Hamas. I have no doubt that UNWRA funded and enabled the attack on Israel. International aid organisations and charities are known to be used to finance and assist international terrorism.

BUT, if Israel hadn't consistently overstepped the mark, there wouldn't be an almost constant stream of people motivated enough to do all this stuff to them in the first place so the whole "is UNWRA helping terrorists?" Issue is a complete irrelevance to me because if you stop the conflict and the cycle of revenge you stop the terrorism and you actually stop the need for UNWRA to exist as Palestine has an opportunity to build itself as a vibrant independent and self-sufficient state alongside Israel. Anyone that doesn't think this is the only solution (two-states mutually respectful of each other) fundamentally needs their head examined, particularly in the context of last year's events.....