Silly McSilly Face
Clive Wilson
They slowly became some sort of model for those arguing that you could have more socialism without turning into China, Cuba or Venezuela. I think it accelerated during the Brexit debate where Scandinavia's varying degrees of involvement with EU or EEA treaties were analysed by both sides.Slightly off on a tangent.
Maybe I am not remembering correctly but it doesn’t seem that long ago that Scandinavian countries were reportedly among the highest for both suicide and alcohol abuse.
Now they are held up as almost utopian paradises that we should be working towards.
Wonder when the switch came.
But I also think people like to romanticise stuff like New Zealand under Jucinda Ardern being some kind of utopia.
My favourite romanticism in British politics so far, however, has to be "I wish England had Nicola Sturgeon/the SNP in charge rather than the corrupt parties/politicians we have to put up with. Que the SNP/Sturgeons being the only politicians and party being subject to a huge corruption investigation......