I was having a beer with my old sociology lecturer the other week as he is a good mate of mine now and he is Spurs, we had abit of an extended chat about this (so bear with me hahaha), started off about kids and young adults consuming their life choices through social media more and more, one major reason there is a decline in having kids is because kids are seeing experiences promoted by influencers like travel and food and they are actively choosing experiences in life over families.
Anyway to fastforward the point was people are clearly consuming their data and heroes through the net now. People are making their moves through the internet with great influence, Tate, Rogan, Robinson (in Robinson case to crown men) so we are at a peak of "Personality Culting" (love that BTW) and its on steroids with social media.
In terms of unregulated -indeed, actively promoted!- 'weapons', smart phones have to be among the biggest our society has ever seen. Just like weapons, without education and awareness, they remain dangerous. How many people do we know who think they 'consume' news when they are actually 'consuming' opinions? And that's the tip of the iceberg.
i think years from now, maybe 5 or more they will realise how bad phones are in schools etc and something will need to be done. got no problem with my son having a brick phone, but smart phones for boys and girls under 16 will be absolute poison.
Smartphones ain't the problem. Social media is the problem. Remove tik Tok, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube shorts, Facebook etc from said phones and 95% of the problems/issues disappear. (Probably for adults as well)
But (as Steff states) the genie is out the bottle, and we are off to a terrible start.
That's because it's unregulated, untested, unmanaged and uncensored. It's nothing short of a unplanned experiment.
There are 4 problems we are facing.
1. Brain development. This 'tool' and this behavior have potential to cause multiple ongoing issues during the adolescent/teenage growth phase of the brain.
2. Addictive behavior. Its on their mind ALL the fudging time. It's no different to a hard drug...their mind has been hacked to chase it and consume it.
3. Externalization of everything (this one is for the adults as well). It doesn't allow for introspection, sitting doing nothing, looking out a window, pondering. There no off switch. The external world becomes your whole life..it's projected onto you, constantly. Your inner being is what make you, that needs attention and a little work from time to time

...but in this world, there is no room for that

4. . Sadly the Internet being 'free' means it has to be paid for somehow. Advertising is the paymaster. Clicks/engagement rules. You are the product those clicks/engagements need. So be it influencers/YouTube grifters/SM click bait/MSM click bait (if you can't beat them join them lol)...it's, in the main, driven by earning money. Very little care, sincerity, professionalism, skill or worrying about outcomes. No one really cares about what they've delivered/uploaded/posted, it's all about numbers.
And boy, are these channels giving a steroid boost to a load of worthless consumerism.
It's probably nigh on impossible to breakaway from this model now, and on many levels we are going to suffer the consequences.
Luckily? We adults have a trace, a line back to how things were, it's hard to gauge the mind of someone that doesn't have that comparative avenue.They have no experience of a different way.