Pat van den Hauwe
It's uncomfortable. It really is. But unless we confront it we cannot move on. Islam is not who we are. And sadly we have imported millions of these people. 7.2 million. Since 2010. The vast majority are Muslims . It's changing us as a society. When will we wake up?
Who is the "we" you are referring to?
I'd rather not be grouped in the same royal "we" as you and your bestest friend ever, going by your tag team hateful chuckle brothers routine you've got going on!
If the "we" refers to the English, it takes some gall to be hysterical about supposed change to our society given our history of getting involved in the society of pretty much most other countries in the world at one stage or another. And when you say confronting the issue to move on, what does that mean? Spouting biased cherry picked instances from centuries ago is going to save "our" country? Or is it a looting Greggs / trying to burn down hotels approach you favour?