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Players who we sold off and improved

yeah, although there are plenty we haven't moved on quick enough

and the ones that hurt you are not the voluntary ones

I expect most clubs fans would have a similar view on their sales
Kanoute just shouldn't have been sold. Berbatov like talent.
I think that he often seems a better player in the memory than he was at the time. He was a very talented player but he was also very hot and cold.
I think that he often seems a better player in the memory than he was at the time. He was a very talented player but he was also very hot and cold.

True, but he's the only player i can think of that in hindsight i regret the club selling.

You can say that certain players went on to have decent careers, like Etherington, Postiga etc, but nobody other than Kanoute was a regrettable sell in hindsight.
I think that he often seems a better player in the memory than he was at the time. He was a very talented player but he was also very hot and cold.

Even when he was Cold he could trap the ball like no other and kept us with possesion at the right end. No ten yard touch like some of our strikers.
Even when he was Cold he could trap the ball like no other and kept us with possesion at the right end. No ten yard touch like some of our strikers.
I don't remember people being as keen on him at the time as they are now.
I think that he often seems a better player in the memory than he was at the time. He was a very talented player but he was also very hot and cold.

With most players I think people on here seem to recall them to be better than they actually were, but with Kanoute I dont think so - his skill and control, some of the goals he scored were very Berbatov like. I wouldnt say he blew hot and cold, but his consistency wasnt as good as Berba's...
Can't really say he improved after he left us, but I think we sold a 30-year old Hoddle a couple of years too soon.
It's certainly a sale I regret, especially considering the manager we sold him to.
Kanoute is really the only one I can think of. I never understood why we sold him.
Peinaar and Postiga improved when they left, but it was more they didn't fit in with us and returned to pre-Spurs form. Kanoute is the best shout I can think of from the PL era, although was he sold on as unneeded or as part of a deal? Klinsmann didn't do too badly, either.

Going back, what about Jennings? If he didn't improve he certainly maintained form for many years after he left and was better than the players who replaced him.
Well, if you are going to go back to the dark ages, what about Bowen and Culverhouse at Norwich?

BTW, did I see Dean Marney on MotD last weekend? A few people thought he had enough to make it at Spurs and though it appears they were wrong, it is nice to see him in a Premiership team. It does not look like his contemporary, Mark Yeates, will do the same.
I've just thought, I thought getting rid of Clint Dempsey was a bit of a wrong move. I always liked him and he would have provided a lot of experience, calmness and goal-threat and it would have made the transition easier for some of the new recruits.

To be honest, he'd be perfect for Poch's team in the LWF position now which is where he played for Fulham where he scored a tonne of goals.
I've just thought, I thought getting rid of Clint Dempsey was a bit of a wrong move. I always liked him and he would have provided a lot of experience, calmness and goal-threat and it would have made the transition easier for some of the new recruits.

To be honest, he'd be perfect for Poch's team in the LWF position now which is where he played for Fulham where he scored a tonne of goals.

Is a metric ton of goals more than an Imperial ton? :)

It's all a bit new fangled for me.