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Players who we sold off and improved

Maltese Falcon

Niko Kranjcar
Sandro's transfer clearly has impacted on many posters who are deeply regretting the decision to sell him off.

Which got me thinking: how many players have we sold off voluntarily in the premiership era and went on to make a success at their new club? The likes of Bale, Berba and Carrick obviously don't count.

Not too many come to mind...
in the premiership era?? a hell of a lot more than the other way around, hence our overall improvement over the years.

different story over the past 4-5 years probably

edit : i totally misread the question :lol:
Dos Santos, Kevin-Prince Boateng, Pienaar (not sure if he counts, but still), Reto Ziegler, and the ones we sold and ended up buying back (Defoe and Kaboul).
The improved dos Santos, Ziegler and Boateng would still not get into our team.
The improved dos Santos, Ziegler and Boateng would still not get into our team.

Didn't say they would (although Giovani probably would given our current system). Just saying they improved enough to join teams that are either slightly below our level (Villarreal), slightly above our level (Schalke) or considerably above our level (Juve).
I think GDS would get into our team fairly often. KPB can't be any worse than Paulinho.

I wouldn't say Huddlestone 'improved' but he seems to be over his injury problems and would definitely have a place in my squad and start a fair amount of games.
Didn't say they would (although Giovani probably would given our current system). Just saying they improved enough to join teams that are either slightly below our level (Villarreal), slightly above our level (Schalke) or considerably above our level (Juve).

Ziegler may have been Juve's property for the least three years, but he has yet to play for them. I'd actually question whether he has improved much since leaving us. Played for mid table Sampdoria, then farmed out on various loans since leaving them.

The other two wouldn't last two games before the hounds were on their back. They're just not a good fit for the PL.
Didn't say they would (although Giovani probably would given our current system). Just saying they improved enough to join teams that are either slightly below our level (Villarreal), slightly above our level (Schalke) or considerably above our level (Juve).

Giovani was close to be in our team, have improved slightly - and he could possibly be in our team as a LW now. But still, I guess he would have been a lot more diciplined then playing in free role as he does in Villareal now. If the two other clubs mentioned was linked to Prince and Reto... Schalke is correctly about our level, and Reto hasnt played one single game for Juve.
Freddie Kanoute is one name that sticks out. I think he gave away a penalty via hand ball in a cup fixture, then he was sold pretty darn quick after that. Jol was in charge at the time, if my memory is correct.

Apart from that I am scratching my head.

Update ! Nayim also did ok. (Pre-premiership though)
I would say Boateng is the only one I can think of. We never played him in his proper advanced role and after he left he scored some vital goals for Milan. He clearly has some attitude issues which is why he has bounced around but we surely could have used him and maybe still could.

Kaboul & Defoe as well but we signed them back so..

That being said we have a pretty good record of knowing when to cut ties as for Sandro I am gutted he is gone just because he was such a likable character and on his day he was top drawer. That being said he really hasn't hit any consistent level of form since his knee injury and his style of balls out play leads me to believe he probably will never come close to a full season the rest of his career at the levels we saw him
Luke Young seemed to kick-on after we sold him

Bobby Zamora (debatable), as is Adel Taarabt I would say
Heterogenous replies seems to suggest that we know when we need to cut the ties with a player...

That's actually quite impressive.