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OT: What next for Harry?

why does it, his dope remark for me was pointed at every Chelsea Manager under Abramovich.

Its unfortunate that he used the word dope because its making fun of someone, whoever that might be

Its another Redknapp moment of not engage brain before opening mouth.

Well, I saw it as a dig at Benitez (on the eve of a game between Chelsea and QPR not Spurs), not AVB. The quote is two weeks old is it not? My opinion? It was a dig at Chelsea, but also a way of trying to take pressure off HIS TEAM, i.e. if we lose, it's not a big deal, they're a much bigger club than us.

Did you read the rest of the article? The bit where he says "Good luck to AVB". I think that's pretty definitive.
I wasn’t a Harry Redknapp fan when he became our manager. I couldn’t believe that a manger who only a few weeks earlier after our defeat at Pompey had been castigating our fans and adding fuel to the flames that our fanbase was racist, was now at the helm of our club. I also hadn’t forgotten his sly little digs at us when he was West Ham manager. I also didn’t believe he was a good enough manager to move us forward.

Luckily in the short term he proved me wrong and in my adult lifetime gave me some of the most entertaining football as a Spurs fan. However I firmly believe he took us as far as he could and let’s not forget last season’s collapse was not an isolated event, it happened the season before as well. Our good run in the champions league, masked how we fell away after beating Milan at the San Siro. For footballing reasons alone IMO he had to go, but his courting of the England job and his blatant contradictions did nothing to help his case.

Again purely IMO, it was a dig at AVB. Harry is a clever chap, he knew he could dress it up in a way that it wasn’t a direct attack but it’s an attack nevertheless. The press know that, AVB knows that and I think most people would interpret as that. The “dope” he was referring to was the man who succeeded him in his previous job.

Whilst I appreciate what he did for our club, I didn’t like Harry the man, he was always in it for himself I felt, rather than Tottenham Hotspur. Whilst I could accept that when we were doing well, from February onwards Harry Redknapp and our goals diverged and he took his eye off the ball.
Given he hasn’t really changed at his time at QPR, I’m glad he’s gone and we can now move forward under AVB

Well, I saw it as a dig at Benitez (on the eve of a game between Chelsea and QPR not Spurs), not AVB. The quote is two weeks old is it not? My opinion? It was a dig at Chelsea, but also a way of trying to take pressure off HIS TEAM, i.e. if we lose, it's not a big deal, they're a much bigger club than us.

Did you read the rest of the article? The bit where he says "Good luck to AVB". I think that's pretty definitive.

Yes I did, its a bit after the lords mayors show for me. What else was he meant to say without looking a dingdong... again. Its called damage limitation.

I'm sure he has in the past said this managerial lark is easy with good backing. Thing is that sentence is OK, as soon as you start using a derogatory term, no matter how flimsy it is, your the bad guy.
yep the the first few games at the lane this season was like a big fecking party,everyone was so up for it.

The man has been in management for over thirty years i think by now he can gage if people are with him or not,he knew where the club was and where it ended with him,it'll be the same with QPR,they'll go down most probably but if he takes them back up he'll know where he stands with the rangers fans.Are the qpr fans unhappy with his appointment,don't think so.

To be honest at his age now,he couldn't give two hoots on where he stands with the fans but him ,joe and kev had standards that he expected from the players and that took us to the top 4 for three years and a quarter final of the champs league..........not many people complaining then.

Yes yes yes, you can have that bit I couldn't give a toss, it's the 'walk away' bit. Depending on when it suits him, he was sacked or walked away. Don't you see? He's the Jim Jones of football management...
I'd like to think common sense will prevail, but as this is a Harry thread, it won't.

I happen to agree. I don't think his Chelski comment was aimed at AVB, just like I don't thin k AVB's reply to the question was aimed at Arry. Media spin. No, I don't think 'Arry would work that far out.
They were begging him to stay during the Saudi Sportswashing Machine game last season.

Whether he was fairly or unfairly sacked is a matter of opinion, but fans at WHL weren't asking for him to be sacked. Yeah some were pleased he went, but at worst, it was fifty fifty with regards wanting him to leave.

Did you attend any Spurs games last season?

Don't you read what 'Arry says? He walked away, a Cesar to our Rome...it's precisely those sorts of comments which he makes, those 'revisions of history' which litter his tenure. If we win tomm, he will find a way to let everyone know he was part of it...
Harry Redknapp has 'no problem' with Tottenham successor Andre Villas-Boas

QPR manager Harry Redknapp has said he bears no grudge towards Tottenham counterpart Andre Villas-Boas as the rivals prepare to meet in tomorrow's Barclays Premier League clash at Loftus Road.

Villas-Boas succeeded Redknapp at White Hart Lane after the 65-year-old had been unexpectedly sacked last June and has since guided Spurs to third in the table.

Redknapp insists the suggestion of animosity between the pair is inaccurate and that he will share a drink with his Portuguese rival after tomorrow's London derby.

"I don't have a relationship with Villas-Boas but then I don't have a relationship with any other manager in the Premier League," he said.

"I don't socialise with him, he's gone to Tottenham and done a great job. What's the problem? I've got no problem with him at all.

"Good luck to him, he's doing a fantastic job there. Long may it continue for him.

"I'll shake his hand after the game and invite him in for a drink, whatever the result. I don't have any problems with him. He seems a nice guy."

Former Chelsea manager Villas-Boas, who lasted only eight months at Stamford Bridge, responded to Redknapp's suggestion that only a "dope" could fail at the European champions by stating: "Only if you manage the club can you find out. It's a different type of club."

Redknapp today stressed that his comments were being used in the wrong context after making a general observation before QPR's 1-0 victory over Chelsea two weeks ago.

"I was asked a question about (Chelsea manager) Rafa Benitez and I said he's gone in there and done very well, but you'd have to be a dope to mess up with that squad of players," he said.

"I said Rafa Benitez is not a dope, he's a top manager who will do very well there.

"I never mentioned anyone else, so why people have started relating it to the manager at Tottenham I don't know.

"He hasn't taken my job, he's got a job. When he took over I didn't have the job, I was out of work.

"Good luck to him, someone had to manage Tottenham - he's doing excellently, good luck to him.

"I don't spend my life worrying about what he or Tottenham are doing. My life doesn't work like that."

QPR also confirmed that former Nottingham Forest manager Steve Cotterill has joined QPR's backroom staff on a short-term deal.


I don't see anything wrong with what either manager said

Agree on this.
I must have missed all the Redknapp out meetings after the games.

Ok, so even if his statement wasn't 100% accurate, I think it's fair to say that most rational (and I use that term very loosely) Spurs fans were appreciative of what he achieved at the club during his tenure, even if a certain percentage were angry at him for our slump last season. Impossible to say how many fans wanted him gone ultimately, but if I had to put a number on it, at worst for Redknapp, it was 50-50 in regards to wanting him sacked. I myself could see why Levy got rid of him after he shot himself in the foot with all the contract talk, even If I didn't 100% agree with Levy's decision to sack him.

Few posts earlier you said those were random wums on internet message boards - now it's 50% of our fanbase.

Even if we assume your estimation is true - do you still agree with Redknapp's statement of having the fans' backing (forget the AVB attack for a second)?
Few posts earlier you said those were random wums on internet message boards - now it's 50% of our fanbase.

Even if we assume your estimation is true - do you still agree with Redknapp's statement of having the fans' backing (forget the AVB attack for a second)?

I think Jurgen (and Redknapp) has a point, you have to compare it to most other sackings - something I believe Redknapp did.

Most managers who get the sack have had the fans turn on him pretty definitely, or at least a large number of them. Most of the sackings happen after some time of fans putting pressure on the manager. Redknapp has felt this himself in previous jobs. (I know there are exceptions of course.)

Compared that to the situation he was in before Levy sacked him and I think he has a point. Most Spurs fans would have been quite alright with Redknapp signing a new contract and continuing his work with Spurs.
Well, I saw it as a dig at Benitez (on the eve of a game between Chelsea and QPR not Spurs), not AVB. The quote is two weeks old is it not? My opinion? It was a dig at Chelsea, but also a way of trying to take pressure off HIS TEAM, i.e. if we lose, it's not a big deal, they're a much bigger club than us.

Did you read the rest of the article? The bit where he says "Good luck to AVB". I think that's pretty definitive.

Things is Jurgen, I can't help thinking with Harry - the "Good Luck Avb" coment is just one of his empty statements like when he said on MOTD "spurs will definately finish 4th" He says these things so the media think oh Harry's a good bloke isn't he - no hard feelings. It also masks his digs so the same people ( I'm not referring to you by the way) think he is not actually having a dig. Harry is very media savvy I'll give him that - He chooses his words very carefully and very deliberately imo.
Just been thinking about old 'Arry and I think the reason why he got the sack was simply because he does not know how to deal with stars.
He has been going on about the stars at QPR on big wages and how they don't put a shift in etc but Fergie knows how to deal with 'em as does Mancini and all the other winning managers.
Just been thinking about old 'Arry and I think the reason why he got the sack was simply because he does not know how to deal with stars.
He has been going on about the stars at QPR on big wages and how they don't put a shift in etc but Fergie knows how to deal with 'em as does Mancini and all the other winning managers.

Well maybe it's more he doesn't know how to rotate a fairly big squad...actually that's just the same thing...carry on:-"
Things is Jurgen, I can't help thinking with Harry - the "Good Luck Avb" coment is just one of his empty statements like when he said on MOTD "spurs will definately finish 4th" He says these things so the media think oh Harry's a good bloke isn't he - no hard feelings. It also masks his digs so the same people ( I'm not referring to you by the way) think he is not actually having a dig. Harry is very media savvy I'll give him that - He chooses his words very carefully and very deliberately imo.

He takes as much credit as he can when things are going well, but what's always tinkled me off with him is how he weasels away from self-accountabiity. It's never his fault. It's always something else, whether it's a player he didn't get or a situation he 'inherited'...it is this quality more than any which puts so many people off. Again, if we do manage to win tomorrow, he will absolutely find a way (however subtle) to let us all know it was partially down to him. I hope I get the chance to be proven wrong!!!

At first Harry Redknapp feigns ignorance. "I have no idea, not a clue," he says with a shrug when asked why, last summer, the manager who had steered Tottenham Hotspur to fourth place in the Premier League arrived at a meeting with his chairman apparently hopeful of securing a new contract and departed shortly afterwards out of a job. Fast forward through an insistence that he bears no grudges, however, and an inkling of an explanation emerges. "I've got my own feelings about why things happened but it's difficult for me to say … It was political."

At some stage on Saturday afternoon, Redknapp may find himself contemplating the personal cost of those politics. The 65-year-old has flung himself wholeheartedly into his new role as manager of Queens Park Rangers but, with his current employers still wincing under the weight of the Premier League even after a win at Chelsea in their last outing, nothing will expose his rapid descent from the pursuit of the Champions League to an attempt to scramble clear of the drop to the Championship more acutely than Spurs' visit to Loftus Road.

Redknapp speaks glowingly of almost four years in north London, a period where he hoisted a team from the foot of the table into Europe's elite competition and two top-four finishes. His dismissal in June centred on the breakdown of his relationship with the chairman, Daniel Levy, and by extension Joe Lewis, the billionaire owner of Enic, the company who control the club. The manager's newly appointed agent, Paul Stretford, had sought a new four-year deal arguing security over his client's long-term future could be key to retaining the squad's better players. Yet the team's spluttering form over the season's final months, a period when most were unsettled by talk of the manager taking the England job, and Chelsea's success in winning the European Cup to oust Spurs from contention put paid to those ambitions.

The agent ended up negotiating a settlement for the remaining 12 months of the existing deal. "I went to see Daniel about signing a new contract and that was it, it ended with me leaving," Redknapp recalls. "That's life, isn't it. I was supposed to be getting the England job, then I didn't. It happens. And there were more important things happening in my life last year than that [a reference to his acquittal for tax evasion at Southwark crown court]. There are people out there with little kids suffering from leukemia so this is nothing, and what has actually happened to me? I had four great years there and got very well paid. I've now come to QPR, don't get so well paid but I'm here and I'm loving it.

"Daniel was the first on the phone to me when I got this job, wishing me all the best, and we spoke again on Thursday. That was just about players – I don't mix socially with him – but they've got a few there and I wanted to see if there was anyone we could use. Let's not kid ourselves. Daniel's not going to say: 'Good old Harry, let's help him out. I love QPR.' He isn't going to give us a special deal because it's me. He'll look to get whatever he thinks someone's value is, that's what he does. And January is his time of year. He'll be offering those 'three for one' deals, or buy one get one free, on the last day. That's how he works."

The transfer window has offered Redknapp a reminder of the differences between life at Spurs and Rangers, a contrast neatly encapsulated by his endearing interest in the Marseille striker Loïc Rémy. A year ago he had travelled to the Bouches-du-Rhône hopeful a deal could be struck with the player eager to move to Tottenham, only for the £22m price tag to scupper the move. Last weekend Redknapp was back at Stade Vélodrome hoping to entice the forward again. "But I couldn't even get a meeting with him," he said. "I just think he felt embarrassed coming to see me this time to say he wasn't interested in coming to QPR. But plenty see you at the bottom of the league and probably think … well, you know."

The same may be true of another target, Rennes's Yann M'Vila, even if making an impact in a successful Premier League fight against relegation can serve to elevate a player's profile. Spurs, of course, were operating in another market and still are. At the same stage last year Tottenham were third, as they are now under André Villas-Boas, though seven points better off and travelling to Emirates Marketing Project very much involved in the title race. Matters unravelled thereafter, but the former manager recognises them as contenders these days. "I think they can win the league," he says. "They've got a stronger squad than Arsenal, and they're not far off Chelsea. They're a club who can keep improving and they'll go for it.

"I wouldn't have done any better than [Villas-Boas] has done. He's done a fantastic job, getting the best out of a great squad. Good luck to them – I hope they win the league one day. I'm not a jealous, bitter, twisted person about anybody. People have taken liberties with me in my life like you'd never believe but I forgive and forget and shake hands." Perhaps no explanation will be required. Redknapp has moved on.
I think he really means "AVB has done brick and i could have done far better" tbh. It's just Redknapp playing games again so not surprised by such a backhanded compliment.
So he got sacked for purely political reasons, not the fact for 2 seasons in a row we fell apart after xmas under him, also basically him lifting his skirt for the England job when Capello got sacked and mouthing off about a new contract on tv when Levy had some serious family issues going on, ok then Harry it was purely poltical reasons nothing at all to do with you, thanks for all you did for us but your a prick, I hope we win 10-0 today COYS
Just seen the Guardian article. I'm not a Redknapp fan due to how I have found him personally when I have met him outside of football but beyond the spin the author is trying to put on this article I actually thought Harry came across fairly well.
I think Redknapp is just doing what he always does, promote himself. I don't think he's having a go or trying to be insulting towards AVB or Levy.
Harry cane across very well in that Guardian article I thouuht, seemed to be as honest as possible and said nothing wrongs. I think anyone trying to find fault with that will find fault with anything. Credit to the Guardian too for refusing to do what the other papers have done this week and falsify a feud between AVB and Harry.