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OT - How long have you been a member of GG?

GHod seems like forever - I can't even remember anymore. I do know I was on the newsgroups first - alt.spurs or something like that. Then I came to GG after that - defo gg.net - I'm going to guess 2003-04? Was that before Snowball?? Was I the first Canuck?
Seems like ages, but when we were still Spurs Update, at the very end of that, though. I moved to Alice Springs in Jan 03 and I know I was here then, nearly 10 years, wow
Im pretty sure I turned up when Santini was appointed, I think I first heard about Jol on here
Few days before Berba left for Man Utd - so around 4-5 years

GHod, what a terrible day that was - remember the old 100+ page bumper with someone posting .gifs of him arriving at OT round about midnight on deadline day. Stayed up till 2am only to be mighty disappointed. Well, at least we got Fraizer Campbell
Actually, I can't have been here since Santini. I remember seeing a video on youtube, I believe by Enter the Pitbull (I think), which had a mention to GG in it. No idea who it would have been about. Anyone remember what Im talking about?
Must be a good 7 years or so, kinda went to COYS at some point during that time but quickly got banned, they are strict bunch over there.

As you can tell my forum activity level has dropped a fair bit since when I was younger.
Which url's have the forums had? Looking at the wayback machine, glory-glory.co.uk starts at 2007, but glory-glory.net stops in 2005.

I dont recognise the 2005 version, so Im thinking I joined during 05/06 perhaps?
I've been lurking since last millennia, couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called back then - thanks Jordinho!
Which url's have the forums had? Looking at the wayback machine, glory-glory.co.uk starts at 2007, but glory-glory.net stops in 2005.

I dont recognise the 2005 version, so Im thinking I joined during 05/06 perhaps?

It was gg-net(.co.uk?) or with something like that for a while wasn't it?
Since Bassong was suspended!
More seriously, certainly since before Santini, but it's all a bit of a blur now.
44 years supporting Spurs man and boy.
I was banned almost instantly after signing up. Had the cheek to criticise Walker in goal, while he was still regarded as GHod. I was labeled a goon wum :) Not sure when that dates it to.