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OMT - Tottenham vs. Stoke

Think you're watching a different game.

No, there was a clear lull.. But I think we're finding our rhythm again, even though it's been a bit sporadic regardless. Lots of crash bash, ugly strikers making tackles.. Whatever floats your boat

Holy **** naughton just used his left foot.
Must note that it was a terrific cross from Soldado that lead to the hand ball. He really is a very team-oriented player for a supposed poacher.
Like lancing an angry boil…now let's hope we can get the reward our endeavor and effort deserves. I've been impressed with how we've kept on going today, kept on trying to make it happen despite at times looking like we don't know how to make it happen. Been improving our stranglehold over the las 20 mins…COYS, take over now. MAYBE we can punish them? Another goal before HT would be massive.