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OMT - Tottenham vs. Everton

Neither team particularly looking CL standard. Maybe an indication that we'll finish 5th and 6tth

yep when it comes down to it you have to admit that arsenal and chelsea just have that little bit more class then us, especailly when we are missing a player, bale or fellani. There back ups are better then ours.
Wish Dembele was more vocal. He was in a great place to receive a ball off Ade earlier , took ade all day to realise it and Dembele never called for it.
He;s having a good game though running at them.
Our corners really are a waste of time. Should just knock it out for a goal kick to speed the game up a bit
Only be Neanderthals who still live in the 80's I think.

No often by people who decided that names did not needed to be changed for the sake of it. I hear that people use the term special needs these days, but funny enough i saw a fight at chichester train station just the other week because some kid took offence to being called special needs by some others.

Which proves that idiots will be offended by anything and the is no point changing the names of things. The word spastic was used to describe people with physical problems but changed by a bunch of wet eared liberal freaks to make them feel better about themselves. Trust me you lot will need to find a new phrase in a few years time when they ban special needs.

To clarify ade is a fudging usless pathetic footballer and it is a disgrace he is still at the club seeing him on the pitch offends me as much as seeing vega line up in defence used to.
get ceballos on ffs

Never going to happen. AVB not shown a particularly fondness for using youngsters; however given he doesn't bring Thudd on, not quite sure who'll come on when Holtby makes his traditional 60th min departure
Can't understand the complaining in this thread. Everton were never going to be easy, even if we were at full strength. We certainly are not, so it gets harder. We are looking most likely to score, so I am happy. Decent game so far.
No often by people who decided that names did not needed to be changed for the sake of it. I hear that people use the term special needs these days, but funny enough i saw a fight at chichester train station just the other week because some kid took offence to being called special needs by some others.

Which proves that idiots will be offended by anything and the is no point changing the names of things. The word spastic was used to describe people with physical problems but changed by a bunch of wet eared liberal freaks to make them feel better about themselves. Trust me you lot will need to find a new phrase in a few years time when they ban special needs.

To clarify ade is a fudging usless pathetic footballer and it is a disgrace he is still at the club seeing him on the pitch offends me as much as seeing vega line up in defence used to.

Right, cheers for the sociology lesson. Think i'll still avoid using the word, and continue to find its use offensive.
Can't understand the complaining in this thread. Everton were never going to be easy, even if we were at full strength. We certainly are not, so it gets harder. We are looking most likely to score, so I am happy. Decent game so far.

It's Glory-Glory. That's often the tone on here.
Can't understand the complaining in this thread. Everton were never going to be easy, even if we were at full strength. We certainly are not, so it gets harder. We are looking most likely to score, so I am happy. Decent game so far.

Probably because we're looking toothless