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OMT *** Tottenham Hotspur vs Emirates Marketing Project ***

Maybe Chadli on for Eriksen? Tell Chadli to stay wide left, so we can double up on that flank as that's where we are enjoying most possession. Would that work?
I agree. I cannot argue that Diers' is a yellow, its the fact so was Toure's and they roll out that line 'He probably thinks its too early to bring out a yellow'

That is complete b#llocks in my book
It's only too early if it's City
Shame that we don't really have any pace on the bench. Would like to see someone run at their CBs - Kompany looks like Bambi the way he's clearly trying to feel his way through the game and not re-injure himself
Poor refereeing, but we've been pretty good - City clearly doesn't want to risk anything going forward today, they're very defensive minded. We could do with a goal to push them to take more risks. I'll be happy with a draw today though.

Opta stats showed now Dier (!) had the second best to speed on the first half, after Walker. That's a surprise!
Rose has had tons of the ball but his crossing has been poor. Needs to do better.

To be honest, what I to see when Rose or Walker have the ball, is someone sprinting into the square down the flanks. See Alli's sprint onto Demele's pass to setup Trippier's tap in.

Its been doing my nut all season. We're sometimes too narrow and don't have runners on the overlap half enough.
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ok, decent 45, they definitely carry a lot of threat though, i'll be delighted if we get out of here with a point

especially with the poor refereeing

Delighted...I will be bloody amazed if we do. Tw#ttenburg has this down as a home win and he is going to make damn sure it finishes that way. Prepare yourself for another 49 minutes of bewilderment
If referees can't issue cards in the first couple of minutes, then just get one of our players to kick the brick out of the opponents star player in minute 1, and laugh as no card is produced?
Phew. Cagey game so far, but we mostly held our own. However, Silva and Sterling got free in the area three times, all of them on the right where Sterling seems to have Walker's number (even outmuscling him to a loose ball in the City half at one point). From our perspective, we need to strengthen our right flank, especially since Dier's booking will leave us vulnerable to attacks down the right half of the field which we can't make tactical fouls to prevent. I'd perhaps bring on Lamela for Son at the 60-minute mark, to help us achieve that: however, the game's finely poised as it is, so I'll happily admit that this is just a gut feeling more than any real intuition.
I think we are lacking that certain someone who can unlock City on the edge of their box. Son and Alli have looked direct and have done well finding space between the lines.
I think Son Alli and Eriksen are a pretty good trio. Chadli and Lamela too. What more do you want, three Agueri?
I think Son Alli and Eriksen are a pretty good trio. Chadli and Lamela too. What more do you want, three Agueri?

Probably the best example was when Eriksen played that no look pass onto the edge of the 18 yrd box and no one was there. Normally Lamela would be there or there abouts and looking to thread the final ball.

TBH Son and Alli have been fine, but Lamela would bring something different to the party.
I think Son Alli and Eriksen are a pretty good trio. Chadli and Lamela too. What more do you want, three Agueri?

None of them are as consistently good at opening up defences as David Silva, Alexis, Willian - that's what we need to be top 4 regularly if you ask me. I don't see anything else which we're lacking in the starting 11