Joe Kinnear
I think it's also good for PR / fan relations. How many fans' bonds with the club will be strengthened by being able to attend a huge European night, plus young ones who will be talking for years about their first match at Wembley. There are obvious short-term gains by having a full stadium on TV, for the players, etc., but also a long term benefit of cementing loyalty and providing an experience, regardless of ticket prices. It also tests the market for filling a larger WHL.
Plus, I'm sure there will be plenty of income from merch sales on the night.
Who cares what the tickets cost anyway? Fans are fans. If a father can take his family of four to a match because the tickets are reasonably priced, whereas they wouldn't go if tickets cost five times more, why do "bitter fans of other sides" have an issue with that?
It's pure and simple jealousy