Vivian Woodward
This team has learnt so much from last season it's actually quite scary
They must all sit there in class in front of a Poch and just smile
The key though still is our on the pitch adaptability which is outstanding. We can go from 3 to 4 at the back mid game and swap back without changing personnel but having a big impact on the game
Add to that the attacking threat that's in full flow and we are a sight to behold
I fully expect them to be all over Kane on Saturday but that creates space for so many other players to take
Fully agree with all that, i know this is going to sound daft but part of me believes what happened at the end of last season has made us into a really good team. The reason i say that is i have always believed that to become a true winner you have to experience the hurt of loss and that is what i saw in our players eyes after the Chelski game and that is a big part in what has made us into the team we are now.