Gazza Dazzla
Christian Ziege
Isn’t it a different phase of play though? Once the Goon player attempts to clear then it’s a new phase and VDV can’t be offside as its cleared on to his own player and in to the path of VDV.Isn’t the point in this instance that VDV is adjudged to have been offside when the ball is played to him? He is therefore in an advantageous position when the ball drops to him. Isn’t everything that happens after that (i.e. the rebounds) by-the-by?
It’s all to do with the interpretation of whether the ref or VAR thinks Tomiyasu (?) try’s to clear the ball or whether he was just trying to block it. They’ve obviously come to the conclusion it’s just ricocheting around and not an intentional action to clear or pass the ball away, in which case it’s the same phase of play and VDV is off (although we were never shown the lines annoyingly). That audio on the Chelsea pen that was released a few days ago opened up a whole new can of worms on that, but it’s another discussion, let’s just assume they chose the right frame and drew the lines from the right body parts!
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