Joe Kinnear
Normally it’s a map they useI had to miss the game on Thurs night, due to a works Christmas do.
Unfortunately I had my phone stolen that night as well*.
So I woke up hungover on Friday morning with no clue what the score was. I put the TV on in the hotel and saw that the lead story on Sky News sports section was "Awful night for Spurs, Ange rowing with fans, terrible result" and I thought "oh my GHod, we got tonked 5-0 or something!"
1-0 away at Bournemouth is not an awful night; they are a good side at home and we are knackered.
I watched the game on Spurs PLAY last night.
Ange was frustratingly stupid to play Johnson left wing, that NEVER works, so we had 1 hand tied behind our back.
We had a few chances and failed to convert... that means that you generally lose the game, when away in the Prem.
Eventually as we tired, Ange threw on 73 attackers so we lost all shape and the game became chaotic.
*Beware men selling santa hats for £2 in pubs... he was lingering around and trying to sell hats to the girls and distractingly put a big pile of santa hats on the table, and when he left, my phone was gone. Stupid really, but beware ars*holes lingering in pubs.
They throw it on the table and ask for help