Lemonade Money
Whatever turns you on!Having to look at fatties affects the rest of us.
Whatever turns you on!Having to look at fatties affects the rest of us.
Inconsistency in beliefs/principles is a bugbear of mine.....this was exactly that.Levy recently said he wants the stadium sponsor to be the right money in the right sector. When pushed, he confirmed it wouldn't be a betting company. Then a week later, announces Spurs are in bed with Socios.
Stories from other Socios clubs over the last few years are very negative. Lots of protests to get them out of the club.
Ban all of that, but legalise/popularise mushrooms, mdma and lsd in their place. Society would then become healthy, happy and cohesiveThe smoking ban is opening the arguments for ulta processed foods, processed food, alcohol, gambling and any other form of enjoyment we have and it's difficult to see where it ends.
I neither smoke, gamble or take drugs.
My diet isn't the healthiest, but it doesn't include many ultra processed foods.
I do enjoy a social drink and I would say that maybe three four times a year a will exceed the recommended units per week.
It does feel very much like there is a section of society that will always be on a crusade to ban something and as one crusade succeeds they move onto another.
The only issue as far as i can see is having to smoke weed in a hash pipe like they do in americaI'm very much in favour of the smoking ban, it's a winner all round as far as i'm concerned.
Charities are generally a sign of rich people and business not paying tax. So they are huge in america, but not really needed in germany or scandi countriesNot read the whole debate on here.
Regarding the lottery all I can say is for however long it's been going now and the millions/billions raised for 'good causes' the country is still a brick hole and more and more people than ever rely on charities and food banks.
Ban all of that, but legalise/popularise mushrooms, mdma and lsd in their place. Society would then become healthy, happy and cohesive
The only issue as far as i can see is having to smoke weed in a hash pipe like they do in america
Ban all of that, but legalise/popularise mushrooms, mdma and lsd in their place. Society would then become healthy, happy and cohesive
That's why I used the National Lottery here as an example - its advertising is ubiquitous. You can't walk into a supermarket or convenience store in the UK without seeing lottery advertising all ove the place. It's been on bus shelters, billboards, etc. It even has a prime time TV slot for the draw.
For those who couldn't wait for a weekend draw, they added a second in midweek and I think they have more on top of that. For those who can't wait that long, they have scratch cards.
Personally, I'd prefer that no gambling was advertised anywhere. The floodgates are open though. This almost certainly won't be rolled back, those unfortunate enough to suffer fro gambling addiction can't escape the advertising. If that's the case, then I'd rather Spurs were taking a cut too.
The National Lottery does donate 28% to charitable causes. How useful that expenditure is depends on your preference. I'd far rather some money went to Spurs than plenty of the other ways in which it's spent.
Inconsistency in beliefs/principles is a bugbear of mine.....this was exactly that.
That is all conjecture. How do you know people will lose money they can't afford? Before dealing with Crypto sponsorship, shouldn't you get gambling banned first? It can be highly addictive. And has destroyed countless lives, and taken lives. Yet we have betting shops close to and in grounds. You are not concerned with this at all. But a crypto sponsorship that might have some gamification which may or may not constitute gambling does exercise you. If there is a gambling element, it is a regulated activity. And in the UK gambling isn't illegal. If you are exercised by this subject, wouldn't you campaign to stop betting apps etc and help more people, rather than attack crypto sponsorship? The impact of this coin on Spurs fans is far from clear. Yet betting apps and shops have well-documented effects. Yet you actively attack this sponsorship and not the proven ill (that you fear may underpin it which is far from clear)?
There is no further to go in the wrong direction, we've already hit that wall.So the advertising, availability all matters to the negative consequences...
We've added another type of this. To the already existing gambling ecosystem. Directly aimed at the very fans of the club.
I think that's another step in the wrong direction. An unnecessary one.
Let me just restate my opinions on this then.
I don't like the ties between football clubs and betting companies. I do think betting shouldn't be advertised at all. Though I am in favour of legalised betting because of the alternative pretty much being underground betting. I think there should be stricter regulations on how much people can spend/lose.
I don't think my statements on Socios is conjecture. I obviously can't know for sure that people will lose money they can't afford to lose, but I think there's a very real risk of that. I applaud the resistance against this from the Trust and others in part because I think that may lessen the risk that people are taken advantage of in this way.
Getting involved with speculative crypto coins does come with the risk I've outlined. I think the Socios coin will drop into insignificance. That may be conjecture, I don't really care. That's my opinion and until proven wrong I'm sticking with it.
I'm not campaigning. I'm voicing my opinion on this topic on this message board. A thing I do quite frequently on various topics. I don't have the time or energy to campaign on this or UK betting laws. Perhaps if I spent less time on here I would have the time to campaign, but I enjoy this site and the conversations on here quite a bit so...
There is no further to go in the wrong direction, we've already hit that wall.
All we're doing is directing some of that money that would be going elsewhere to us.
Okay nice post and were just debating this, exploring it. I think the discussion would benefit from looking at Socios actual implication in other clubs.
Juve for example have had this in place for some time with the same token firm. Fans pay to vote on things like the bus design, messages in the stadium etc. They have people from all over the world vote on these things and have input into the club. Is that gambling?
There are strict laws on gambling in the UK. So it’s not like Socios can start offering in match betting. Yet there are oodles of apps that any individual can download in seconds that does offer that.
So we are up in arms over a token scheme that offers fans paid involvement in trivial club decisions? Or I’ve missed something more sinister?
If you're going to invest in crypto there are far easier ways to do it then with Socio. The aim of it isn't for investors, it's to buy the crypto and then use it for tokens, not to trade or invest in crypto.For me the promotion of the underlying crypto coin is the more sinister aspect. The one you have to use to buy these tokens if I understand it correctly. Like with most crypto coins it's often described as an investment, but imo it's gambling - though outside most gambling laws.
If it was just the tokens, bit of fun, some polls I wouldn't mind much.
I don't think Socios is in the tokens and polls business. I think they're in the promote their crypto coin to get more "investors" to drive the price of that coin up business. This to me is exploitative.
I agree that it's not as clean cut as one or the other, nor is it as immediate.Things can pretty much always get worse.
I don't think this is just that people do this instead of betting, lottery, scratch cards etc.
I agree that it's not as clean cut as one or the other, nor is it as immediate.
But a man who doesn't understand the risks of investing will lose their money. An addicted gambler will lose their money. We're not changing that, we're just getting slightly richer.
If you're going to invest in crypto there are far easier ways to do it then with Socio. The aim of it isn't for investors, it's to buy the crypto and then use it for tokens, not to trade or invest in crypto.