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**Official Other Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

It was no Roy Keane reducer

Where have the hard men in football gone?
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

There's little doubt of Coloccini intent to harm Suarez, but from the opposite angle it looks like he fluffs his attempt hardly making contact if any and Suarez drops like he's been hit by a train. Perhaps I am being harsh but Suarez once again spent the game dropping to the floor under the slightest touch waving his imaginary cards around and screaming at the officials.

The guy clearly is a gifted footballer as demonstrated by his goal today, yet he spends far too much time on the pitch playing a victim or using his studs to inflict injuries on the opposition.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

He was right to be sent off, for the intent. But when they showed it from behind you see he actually misses except for brushing his sock.

Suarez is a cnut, but he is lucky to still have a career seeing as Collocini missed. They muist have had some really serious needle going in for Collocini to do that...
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

Suarez is a cnut, but he is lucky to still have a career seeing as Collocini missed. They muist have had some really serious needle going in for Collocini to do that...

Maybe it's a simple case of Collocini thinking he could get away with murder on Suarez, seeing as he now has a reputation for diving. On MOTD they showed that up to that point, Collocini has dished out quite a bit to Suarez.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

It is, which makes yesterdays defeat even more annoying.

Weird listening to phone-ins and reading forums
United fans moaning they still arent playing well
City fans moaning they arent scoring enought
Chelsea fans worried their season will fall apart again
Liverpool fans moaning

I think there are only Everton fans enjoying this season so far

Some of them, but others want Moyes gone so badly they probably can't enjoy anything he achieves.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

Maybe it's a simple case of Collocini thinking he could get away with murder on Suarez, seeing as he now has a reputation for diving. On MOTD they showed that up to that point, Collocini has dished out quite a bit to Suarez.

I think you're giving him too much credit. He was visibly frustrated earlier in the game and went in very hard on Suarez not long before the sending off. Just let his frustration and anger get the better of him and made a terrible tackle.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

I think you're giving him too much credit. He was visibly frustrated earlier in the game and went in very hard on Suarez not long before the sending off. Just let his frustration and anger get the better of him and made a terrible tackle.

In a nutshell - this.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

I'm not sure chicken_badge is giving him any credit. He's effectively saying Collocini thought he could get away with it so deliberately hacked him.

Its hard to find any excuse for that tackle. You have to claim he was trying to play the ball, missed badly and couldn't stop before catching Suarez. He probably was trying to get the ball and misjudged it extremely badly, but he left his foot up to make sure he caught contact. I think he had time to realise he'd fcuked up defensively and that he might as well take Suarez out.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

I'm not sure chicken_badge is giving him any credit. He's effectively saying Collocini thought he could get away with it so deliberately hacked him.

Its hard to find any excuse for that tackle. You have to claim he was trying to play the ball, missed badly and couldn't stop before catching Suarez. He probably was trying to get the ball and misjudged it extremely badly, but he left his foot up to make sure he caught contact. I think he had time to realise he'd fcuked up defensively and that he might as well take Suarez out.

Saying that he was doing it after rational consideration is giving him credit. I don't think that was the case, I think he went in looking to inflict pain if not an injury on Suarez.

"Taking Suarez out" as in just body checking him or pulling him to the ground or tripping him is cynical, but fine. You take the yellow and get on with the game. "Taking Suarez out" as in trying to injure him is something completely different.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

No one has said the consideration was rational.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

No one has said the consideration was rational.

I said "after rational consideration", just to be clear.

Isn't thinking about hacking someone down and figuring you can get away with it because the opponent is a known diver and cheat rational consideration?
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

Far less than Suarez deserves though.

you're blatant hatred for suarez is highly amusing, you are a prime example of someone who swallows everything they are fed by sky sports and the like.

why does he deserve to have his career ended by an absolutely foul and viscous tackle? why? because he goes down easy on occasion? like one gareth bale? because he 'bit' an opponent? like one jermain defoe?

for someone moderating a forum (supposed to be fairly unbiased i imagine) you sure do have a severe vendetta against someone you actually know NOTHING about, other than what you are told in the media.

it's pretty sad that you can't appreciate his talents out of some misguided witch hunt, but hey, it's your life.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

you're blatant hatred for suarez is highly amusing, you are a prime example of someone who swallows everything they are fed by sky sports and the like.

why does he deserve to have his career ended by an absolutely foul and viscous tackle? why? because he goes down easy on occasion? like one gareth bale? because he 'bit' an opponent? like one jermain defoe?

for someone moderating a forum (supposed to be fairly unbiased i imagine) you sure do have a severe vendetta against someone you actually know NOTHING about, other than what you are told in the media.

it's pretty sad that you can't appreciate his talents out of some misguided witch hunt, but hey, it's your life.

Good post. Suarez gets a massive amount of stick considering that most of our lads have done the same things he's doing. Take the muted aftermath of the whole JT affair in the press, and compare it to the months of abuse Suarez got from the same tabloids. For much the same thing, essentially.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

Except Suarez has done all of those things.. Hardly the same as Bale being a bit of diving girl, or joe bloggs once waving an imaginary card..

Diving, Constantly appealing, trying to get people booked, harassing the ref, racism, biting someone... He would have to be on some kind of legendary skill level above Messi for me to forget all that!!

EDIT: But no, no one deserves a deliberate career-ending tackle (not that I have a view on the above tackle but just saying)
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Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

Good post. Suarez gets a massive amount of stick considering that most of our lads have done the same things he's doing. Take the muted aftermath of the whole JT affair in the press, and compare it to the months of abuse Suarez got from the same tabloids. For much the same thing, essentially.

precisely this.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

you're blatant hatred for suarez is highly amusing, you are a prime example of someone who swallows everything they are fed by sky sports and the like.

why does he deserve to have his career ended by an absolutely foul and viscous tackle? why? because he goes down easy on occasion? like one gareth bale? because he 'bit' an opponent? like one jermain defoe?

for someone moderating a forum (supposed to be fairly unbiased i imagine) you sure do have a severe vendetta against someone you actually know NOTHING about, other than what you are told in the media.

it's pretty sad that you can't appreciate his talents out of some misguided witch hunt, but hey, it's your life.

It's got nothing whatsoever to do with Sky Sports. It's also not as much about ending his career as much as him not deserving to be a professional footballer.

He doesn't "go down easy on occasion", his first thought all the time is clearly to gain an advantage by cheating. It's not just a dive here or there, it's a number of times per match. Then there's the World Cup - remember that? He is also a violent and racist little cvnt and no amount of talent will ever offset what is wrong with his him and the way he plays.

I don't ever want to see him on a football pitch again as he destroys everything that is great about the game. Preferably that will be due to the authorities treating everything he does wrong in the correct manner (which will mean he is almost constantly banned), but if it has to be another player taking much needed action then so be it.

As for being unbiased, what makes you think that? I'll make my opinions here known in exactly the same way anyone else will.

And what do you know about Suarez that I don't? You suggest that I know nothing about him, but I've seen more than enough of him on a pitch to know exactly what his game is about and I don't want to see any more of it. What has that got to with with "what I'm told in the media"?
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

It's got nothing whatsoever to do with Sky Sports. It's also not as much about ending his career as much as him not deserving to be a professional footballer.

He doesn't "go down easy on occasion", his first thought all the time is clearly to gain an advantage by cheating. It's not just a dive here or there, it's a number of times per match. Then there's the World Cup - remember that? He is also a violent and racist little cvnt and no amount of talent will ever offset what is wrong with his him and the way he plays.

I don't ever want to see him on a football pitch again as he destroys everything that is great about the game. Preferably that will be due to the authorities treating everything he does wrong in the correct manner (which will mean he is almost constantly banned), but if it has to be another player taking much needed action then so be it.

As for being unbiased, what makes you think that? I'll make my opinions here known in exactly the same way anyone else will.

And what do you know about Suarez that I don't? You suggest that I know nothing about him, but I've seen more than enough of him on a pitch to know exactly what his game is about and I don't want to see any more of it. What has that got to with with "what I'm told in the media"?

Who are you to determine what players do and don't deserve to be a professionals?

Why? Because he might give a bit of niggle here and there? What a fudging joke! I guarantee much, much worse was going on twenty or thirty years ago. Don't try and tell me football was once 'pure' and 'fair' :lol:

Professional sport, in all forms, is going to have niggle occuring, get over it.

So no i don't know him, but i don't pretend to, I don't cast aspersions on his character.. I appreciate him as a player. A very, very talented player and imagine that he's more than likely a totally different person away from the fierce, combative colosseum that is a premier league pitch most weekends.

I think you're being ridiculously judgmental about a player that you have been told a lot about in the media. As has already been mentioned, the smear campaign that occurred against him (the english media are notorious for this) was so far out of line it's untrue.

A bit of realism and foresight is all i ask. I don't expect it though.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

I don't think there's anything of Suarez in the media that we all haven't all seen with our own eyes first hand...

It's not like the media say he's a diving cheat but none of us have ever seen him dive... we have
It's not like the media say he deliberately scored a goal with his hand but none of us have ever seen it... we have
It's not like the media say he once bit another player but none of us on here have ever seen it... we have
It's not like the media say he waves imaginery cards to get players sent off but none of us have ever seen him do it... we have
It's not like the media say he constantly appeals and moans to the ref but none of us have ever seen him do it... we have

Why do you try and downplay he's characteristics as just a ''niggle here and there'' type player? Robbie Savage was a ''niggle here and there'' player.
Re: **Official Other Teams & Games Thread, Season 2012/13**

I don't think there's anything of Suarez in the media that we all haven't all seen with our own eyes first hand...

It's not like the media say he's a diving cheat but none of us have ever seen him dive... we have
It's not like the media say he deliberately scored a goal with his hand but none of us have ever seen it... we have
It's not like the media say he once bit another player but none of us on here have ever seen it... we have
It's not like the media say he waves imaginery cards to get players sent off but none of us have ever seen him do it... we have
It's not like the media say he constantly appeals and moans to the ref but none of us have ever seen him do it... we have

Why do you try and downplay he's characteristics as just a ''niggle here and there'' type player? Robbie Savage was a ''niggle here and there'' player.

Great post