I learnt my lesson about leaving games early back in the season we were in Div 2 ' (called that at that time) . We had tinkled the league early in the season and looked odds on to win the league, but towards the end of the season we were dropping points all over the place.
One of our last games was away against Mansfield ( who were fighting relegation to Div 3) it was tinkling down, feezing and we were at a open end, the pitch was a mud heap and we player brick, we were 3-2 down going into the last minute and i had given it up. I left the ground and as i walked away i heard a mighty cheer from the Spurs lads, i tried to get back into the ground but the Rozzers we arseholes and blocked me.
Just out side the gate there was a old lamp post and i tried to climb up it to see what was happening, the bleeding thing broke and collapsed with me hanging on it to the ground. Then to top it all the Rozzers arrested me for breaking town property.
Since then i have never left a ground until the final whistle.

It turned out we got the point and considering we only went up on goal difference from Brighton it was worth all that trouble to get a point.