Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
worst OSCARS show ive ever seen, no host, no montages, FFWD thru in memoriam, even anthony hopkins couldnt have the last word
They ditched the host format a couple of years ago IIRC when Kevin Hart got the gig but had to step back because of something he tweeted about a million years ago that got dragged up again. I think forgiveness and due process are foreign concepts in the woke parts of America, which Hollywood certainly is.
Also, more people would watch if they nominated films that people have actually seen. Yes the film buffs in this thread and in general may have watched Sound of Metal and Mank but I doubt the vast majority of the public have. I thought the whole point of expanding the field of the traditional 5 nominations for best picture to 8/9 was so that they could continue business as usual rewarding the artsy fartsy films the academy loves AND also recognising the more popcorn, crowd pleasers like Avatar and LOTR. More people watch the oscars in general when they have seen the films that are nominated.