Simon Davies
The market rules. Is it just a coincidence that since the emergence of India as a consumer of entertainment, there have so many more 'token' Indians cast in films and TV?
The market rules. Is it just a coincidence that since the emergence of India as a consumer of entertainment, there have so many more 'token' Indians cast in films and TV?
Glad Black Panther is getting the success it is, little amused people forget the original comic book adaptation with a strong black lead -> Blade.
Personally thought Black Panther was well produced, a little slow (seemed to be yet another set up/part 1 type movie), fight scenes didn't distinguish themselves, compared to more recent fare.
I haven't seen wonder women yet, I don' go to the movies, I have my own set up home.
I was similar with WW, on one hand these films get slated as mindless action pics, put a women or ethnic cast it's a serious movie with a message.
Black Panther was most excellent, IMO Guardians of the Galaxy and it are the best Marvel films
It will only be the first one or two and then there will be no fuss, it is understandable although they were just ok films. Bridesmaids was also the same for me - Hangover was a gross out comedy but Bridesmaids was hilarious and important even though it was a brick copy.
I only enjoyed that the second time around. First time I think my expectations of it were different.*ahem* Captain America: The Winter Soldier
It's an important message - women can be strong, independent characters as long as they look good in short shorts.Absolutely - "people" dont care a jot, its an industry thing - and Im glad films like this are getting the £££ they are because thats what will make the industry sit up and realise.
And I credit Marvel and DC for putting their money where their mouth is.
I totally get this. The wider narrative around the film can detract from the experience of the film itself.
Wonder Woman, I thought, was ok. Good first hour, falls apart in the final act - 7/10. The press though were falling over themselves to praise it to high heavens while campaigning on the back of the female message it held.
Black Panther is a better film for me, comfortably. And, funnily enough, the message I took from it was of strong women more than anything - I think it does a better job than WW in this respect.
Its worth watching, for sure.
I was watching Coco with my son at the weekend and all I could think was that it was a cynical attempt by Disney to bring in money from a reasonably untapped audience.It's not a coincidence, but it might just as easily be that we now get one Asian character in addition to the token black guy (who usually dies first). Hollywood promoting diversity and tolerance. Having one interracial couple seems to have been the new thing in teen movies in the last decade.
I was watching Coco with my son at the weekend and all I could think was that it was a cynical attempt by Disney to bring in money from a reasonably untapped audience.
Might be that they value diverse cultures and feel that it's interesting to represent them on screen, but I suspect it's the money thing.
You can't be overly cynical when talking about Disney but they plunder everybody's folk stories in order to make a buck/ find a decent story. Its just the Mexicans turn.
From what I have read (not seen Coco yet) its they guys at "the book of Life" who should feel hard done by.
Mmmmmm.....Daisy DukeIt's an important message - women can be strong, independent characters as long as they look good in short shorts.
Glad Black Panther is getting the success it is, little amused people forget the original comic book adaptation with a strong black lead -> Blade.
Personally thought Black Panther was well produced, a little slow (seemed to be yet another set up/part 1 type movie), fight scenes didn't distinguish themselves, compared to more recent fare.
Im not sure why it's getting so much focus really because as you point out Blade came years before and it wasnt even a talking point that a black guy was leading a hollywood movie - it happened fairly regularly, didnt it? it seems to me that attitudes have regressed a bit as time has worn on
The market rules. Is it just a coincidence that since the emergence of India as a consumer of entertainment, there have so many more 'token' Indians cast in films and TV?
I think its the scale of it, rather than it being a black lead.
Its a 99% whole black cast and director, with a $200,000,000 budget. Which is really quite unprecedented.
Even Blade, aside from the lead, was a largely white film.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but I don't really carewhat sex, colour creed or religion the star is in a movie. Whether it's for reasons of the plot or not, i don't care.
Is alien any worse because it's a women, no.
I would watch alien on a loop for days rather than any of the lethal weapon movies or a seagal movie.
Is shawsank any worse for having a black actor play a part that in the book is a white character, no.
I like the marvel and dc movies and was really looking forward to the black panther one, even though I know nothing of the back story.
But I have to say that i'm being really put off it by the publicity surrounding it.
The 3 or 4 interviews and reviews all mention this theme of anti colonisation, fine, no problem with that, but they seem to want take it one step further by saying that this fictional land is what africa would be if it hadn't been colonised.
They are jumping on a band wagon imv.