Absolute let down they were, utter ****e, such a shame too as that part of the story had so much potential to be made into something pretty epic.
Trailer looks promising, have never seen a Star Trek film before myself but i'm tempted to watch the new ones now to get a taster of what this Star Wars could be like.
As hopeful as I am of getting a decent SW film, the utter ****e of the prequels still looms large. I'll save my exclamation marks for now
Absolute let down they were, utter ****e, such a shame too as that part of the story had so much potential to be made into something pretty epic.
Trailer looks promising, have never seen a Star Trek film before myself but i'm tempted to watch the new ones now to get a taster of what this Star Wars could be like.
Anyone else find this a bit silly?
So happy Lea Seydoux is one of the bond girls. Stunning lady.
would it open up a can of worms by asking who do you think is the hottest Bond girl EVER!!!?
What on EARTH was that new Terminator trailer all about?!