Johnny nice-tits
I'm going to watch guardians tonight is it really as good as people say?
Oh yes
I'm going to watch guardians tonight is it really as good as people say?
I'm going to watch guardians tonight is it really as good as people say?
And why do some directors insist on making so many 2 and half hour+ films?
I always feel shortchanged when a movie is short - especially ones which explore interesting/complex topics
I always feel shortchanged when a movie is short - especially ones which explore interesting/complex topics
I always feel shortchanged when a movie is short - especially ones which explore interesting/complex topics
Lucy was such an example. I thought another 20 or 30 minutes could have greatly enhanced that film
Not to mention the Lord of the snore films.
Not to mention the Lord of the snore films.
Not to mention the Lord of the snore films.