Jurgen the German
Steve Sedgley
All Is Lost… Brilliant film
Majorly disappointed with American Hustle considering the cast and the director. Didn't like any of the characters. Too long.
Do you like anything, ever?
Wolf of Wall Street is top of my must see list .Im looking forward to the Wolf of Wall Street - and do wanna see American Hustle.
Yep, enjoyed reading your story of how you shagged a fundamentalist Christian and then proceeded to throw your toys out the pram when people called bull****. In fact, it was one the funniest meltdowns I've read on GG right up there with ArcspacE
Or better yet, look 7 posts above you knob head
Speaking of which, is the ArcspacE meltdown available somewhere? I'm sorry to say I missed it.
On topic, watched Fast&Furious 6 the other day, never knew it was a sci-fi series. It was amazingly bad but also a bit funny.
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I've probably mentioned it before, but you guys should really check out The Way Way Back. Sam Rockwell steals every scene.
Ive seen it... its quite good and I did say that it was good in a previous post somewhere. Its not as funny as I thought it would be what with Steve Carrel also but actually Carrel was such an unlikeable **** in that movie.
Ill be watching American Hustle this weekend.
Anyone seen Anchorman 2? I really wanna watch it