Gangs of New York
I do like Daniel Day Lewis - excellent actor
Can you believe he's only done 4 films since then? In 10 yrs!
Have you seen There will be Blood? It's an Excellent excellent film. It was one of those where we happened to turn over as it was starting and thought we'd watch a bit and then 2.5hrs later we were sat there blown away.
It's not just the performances which are excellent (although that guy that plays the preacher annoyed me a bit) but the cinematography and mood of it as well.
Really recommend it to anyone who hasn't see it. For when you fancy one of the 'epics'!
There will be blood - a slow burner but a good movie. DDL's performance was excellent.
I will be watching No Country for Old Men - not seen it but I think ill enjoy that a lot more. Just a hunch.
NCFOM is outstanding. Knowing how much of a critic you are, I reckon you might find it a little boring.
Just watched After Earth with Will Smith and his son, quite a enjoyable watch actually, good effects too 8/10
Inside Man. Probably one of the best bank heist movies ever.
So good.
I watched that again around a month ago - totally agree. Clive Owen is an excellent actor and its an excellent movie.
Lebowski was on last night. Outstanding film, the script is flawless
NCFOM is outstanding. Knowing how much of a critic you are, I reckon you might find it a little boring.