Surely that is far to much sugar on that pancake? :lol:
we let him jump out of an aircraft?
people went ballistic when they found out cudicini had a motorbike
Maybe he asked for permission?
He wouldn't have been "allowed" to do it.. I imagine this would really pee off the top guys at the club.. I am guessing he is on his way and doesn't care..
Surely that is far to much sugar on that pancake? :lol:
Why not?
The most 'dangerous' things are generally the most well versed in safety procedure. Statistically skydiving is an extremely safe thing to do, just you are far more likely to hear about it in the news should it go wrong.
Most pro contracts do not allow for "dangerous sports" as they are not covered by the clubs insurers.. The insurers would not pay out in the event of an accident and the club would not give permission.. Sure this is going to backfire but show me evidence of another player jumping out of a plane...
The difference between sky diving and say skiing is the increased likelihood of death if something goes wrong. I doubt he got permission for something as extreme as this. He's just a krazy katMore likely he's used his contract for roaches and has no idea he's not allowed do these things.
I think anyone jumping out of a plane is mad personally, but each to his own.