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O/T The England Thread

Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Ouch, the last 4 pages were a painful read.

To my surprise, England played well.

Hodgson used a 4123 formation with Gerrard deepest, Wheelchair and Cleverley in midfield and then Wellbeck, Rooney, Walcott up top.

I thought it worked well, Gerrard sprayed the ball around, Wheelchair and Cleverley fought well but crucially they actually kept possession as well.

It wasn't the most incredible performace ever, but England played OK for once, so perhaps you guys should climb down and admit it?

Wheelchair was outstanding at various points and clearly MoM.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Ouch, the last 4 pages were a painful read.

To my surprise, England played well.

Hodgson used a 4123 formation with Gerrard deepest, Wheelchair and Cleverley in midfield and then Wellbeck, Rooney, Walcott up top.

I thought it worked well, Gerrard sprayed the ball around, Wheelchair and Cleverley fought well but crucially they actually kept possession as well.

It wasn't the most incredible performace ever, but England played OK for once, so perhaps you guys should climb down and admit it?

Wheelchair was outstanding at various points and clearly MoM.

I was impressed with that midfield, a proper deep lying playmaker with excellent technique and we will have a quality base. Wiltshire is a twunt but he is our best CM, cleverly is busy, rarely looses the ball and actually has technique. If only Hudd never had that injury, he would be definitely in there.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Wheelchair was good again tonight I have no problem whatsoever with admitting that what I can't stand I the fact pundits seem to have completely swept under the carpet the fact he's a little brickhead wrongun. It should be mandatory for commentators to refer to him as either a cretin, the poison dwarf or ****yflaps.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Why do some of you watch a game you clearly have no interest in, then come in here and bitch about it. Very odd.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Genuine question: why does everyone on here despise Wheelchair?
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Genuine question: why does everyone on here despise Wheelchair?

Do you really need to ask that?

I too fudging hate the guy, but he clearly is a great player. But people do need to calm down a little, it's not like he can single handedly take England far in a tournament. He alone won't be able to solve our biggest problem which is our inability to keep the ball.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Guardiola summed him up pretty well when he said there was lots of players of Wheelchair's mold in the Barca reserves which is in actual fact quite a nice compliment.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

No, I like us, it's just...well...other than Rooney...there again, Brazil aren't exactly burning it up...

At best, Brazil are the 3rd best team in South America. They really are living off past glories. Even though I always back host nations in tournaments who are big football nations, I can't see them getting past the quarters/semis.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Wheelchair is a top player, as I've repeatedly said in the Arsenal thread. There's every sign he'll become their new Tony Adms in the sense of being a real leader. I just hope he doesn't have the same success at club level with Arsenal as Adams did.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Do you really need to ask that?

I too fudging hate the guy, but he clearly is a great player. But people do need to calm down a little, it's not like he can single handedly take England far in a tournament. He alone won't be able to solve our biggest problem which is our inability to keep the ball.

Yes. Is it purely because he plays for Arsenal? Or is there a specific event I missed or have forgotten about?
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Yes. Is it purely because he plays for Arsenal? Or is there a specific event I missed or have forgotten about?

Here's one reason. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/20032011/58/premier-league-Wheelchair-spat-spurs-fan-cabbie.html

Factor in his play-acting and general demeanour on the pitch. Must admit, he saves his best/worst ****ishness when he plays us, understandably.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Wheelchair's got a mug on him like a little rodent that's had too much lemon to suck on.

Add in his air of entitlement and his well-faked hard-man act and he's a thoroughly detestable footballer. Reminds me a lot of Gerrard in his pomp.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

At best, Brazil are the 3rd best team in South America. They really are living off past glories. Even though I always back host nations in tournaments who are big football nations, I can't see them getting past the quarters/semis.

They really seem to be struggling to find any rhythm. Their Olympic side looked wonderful at times, almost breath-taking, but yes, they really did look out of touch with each other. They also lack a 'Dunga' type...to be fair, this all indicates that Sandro is as massive a loss to them as he is to us.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

I still think the World Cup final will be Brazil/Argentina. Messi finally leading his country.
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

They really seem to be struggling to find any rhythm. Their Olympic side looked wonderful at times, almost breath-taking, but yes, they really did look out of touch with each other. They also lack a 'Dunga' type...to be fair, this all indicates that Sandro is as massive a loss to them as he is to us.

Tbh, I really think more of their players need to play in the strongest (ie. CL challenging) European teams to really be competitive on the international level. The pace of the game is something else in Europe, even Sandro with his beastliness needed a season to adapt. A few like Oscar have made the leap but are still a bit lacking in experience imo.

England do look balanced for once and that should be applauded, but it's true that even Wheelchair's technical ability would not stand out in Spain or Germany (then again, I think only Scholes would truly match the Catalan greats). That's not necessarily a death knell though, considering that many teams with worse average technique than England have played well and reached the semis or later. The biggest obstacle to England's success imo is the overwhelming negativity surrounding the team - the fans and media can't *wait* to jump on a bad pass or a flubbed cross or a keeper howler. My guess is that at least part of it is because we hate the players' club sides, so we don't like seeing their players do well. On the big stage, under the caustic microscope, the English players naturally become afraid to make mistakes and play within themselves.

Of course Brazil will be under even bigger pressure at home, but at least they can flee the country afterwards :lol: England's players can't exactly escape the British media and British fans when they all play in the PL!
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Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

I didnt really see much of the game but seems a positive result and heard rumours england looked ok in parts. the reality is though that when it counts next month away in montengro you can see england struggling. they shouldnt but they will.

the whole Wheelchair thing is a classic example of the english press over hyping someone. Phil mnculty has done a whole blog on how amazing he is on the bbc. i think Wheelchair is a good midfielder and should be in the england team but the problem is spain have about 5 better versions of Wheelchair and england base all our hopes on one player. nice to have around but we could do with some talent coming through.

i thought the england squad looked reasonably strong when it was announced but when you look at some of the subs like Milner you just know that deep down we are not blessed with real quality
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Yes. Is it purely because he plays for Arsenal? Or is there a specific event I missed or have forgotten about?

Just his overall demeanour and ****y attitude.
He spat at a taxi driver because he was wearing a Spurs cap and he wouldn't let a drunk Wheelchair in his cab.
And yes because he plays for Arsenal :)
Re: O/T The England Thread - Squad for Brazil match announced

Its the modern day footballer that has killed the passionate England supporter. I use to watch all the matches, enjoy the tournaments and feel the usual despair of the penalty shoot-outs. Now I watch some matches, follow tournaments but I don't feel like I use to and when England get knocked out I just feel a bit meh about it.
The team is full of arrogant overpaid tossers who feel a sense of entitlement and don't seem to display the passion and fight that players use to years ago. Its all about fame and money and nothing about pride and passion.