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O/T The England Thread

anything less than a 5 year ban for Serbia will be a disgrace, but knowing how corrupt FIFA and UEFA (who's jurisdiction is this?) are then i'm sure it will be a paltry fine

Knowing FIFA and UEFA England will get the five year ban for playing black players and inciting the racial abuse.
"Milner has been a threat down the right, hand side because of his abiliy to get the ball into the box, even though he doesn't always get past his man. That means the Polish defenders have to get close to him and they don't like that" - Graham Taylor


So, of course they nearly score 3 times in 2minutes!

carrick is having a shocker. interesting that at international level it just requires something which most england players dont seem to have.

think roy has got this wrong with defoe and milner playing. pace desparately needed on the wing (cue lennon whos is just as capable of tracking back as milner) and welbeck would offer more up front i think

gerrard has shown flashes again of clearly being our best player. rooney seems to have developed his usual cant control the ball for sh$t game he saves for england.

average but winning
Sounds like a typical England performance under Hodgson, not playing particularly well, can't keep the ball, but tough to beat and nicked a goal.

Very poor first half, Johnson and Milner on the right, would be better with Laurel and Hardy.

Carrick can't find anyone with his passing, Defoe totally lost up front with zero service.

Only Gerrard and Rooney have put themselves about.

Poland unfortunate not to have gone in all square at half time.
Watched the first 20 minutes. England had virtually no midfield, Poland were quicker and better organized, but far too defensive. It's all well and good waltzing past England players, but you need someone in the box to cross to.
So far so good - a draw would be an acceptable result in Poland, so if we can get all three points it will be an excellent result.

Not a classic England performance by any means though and Poland look well capable of causing us plenty of problems.
So far so good - a draw would be an acceptable result in Poland, so if we can get all three points it will be an excellent result.

Not a classic England performance by any means though and Poland look well capable of causing us plenty of problems.

Actually, it really is.