Didier Zokora
jimmyb, Wookie D, and Clarky ftw then!
Mod you say? Just the suggestion is making me drunk with power. I'd play this forum like a harp from hell!
jimmyb, Wookie D, and Clarky ftw then!
But they don't do they? They insinuate things instead which is FAR worse than actually coming out saying it.
My suggestion would be to very clearly ask them what they mean. I wouldn't ever leave an insinuation alone if it bugged me that much AND I were unable to avoid getting sucked into the thread (believe me, and I know you do, I've been sucked in many times, funnily enough sometimes with you mate!!!)...
IMHO, (and this is a general point mate NOT aimed at you or anyone specifically) relying on mods to keep a forum free of flimflam is somewhat of an abdication of responsibility. Generally, the golden rule has to be, don't say anything here you wouldn't say to someone in the pub or cafe. And if we're wrong/proven wrong/have a difference of opinion, then just call it as it is. Again, worth remembering that nothing can really be THAT personal because we don't ACTUALLY know each other!
and yet if you say anything - you get accused of trying to be the boards policeman!
if you stand up for yourself (because you can) - you get told to get a mod to sort it out for you
sorry mate, but you are not singing the company song, you might need some attitude adjustment seminars to see you straight.
Thanks for not making this personal.
I was banned by Milo for a day when another poster told me to fudge off and stop posting because I was hounded all day long by Leeds who was looking for a fight. I responded by telling him "why don't you fudge off" and was banned for a day.
I had previously been told to stop commenting on Arcspaces posts, and in a discussion with another poster I made a comment that anyone who quoted arcspace would gain little sympathy from me - due to the lack of regard I had for the quality or quantity of his posts. I was given the opportunity to explain why I contiunued to comment on his posts, and I was unrepentant due to the fact that he has me on ignore, so doesn't read them, and because the number of my posts about him are such a tiny amount (I estimated less than 1% of his total posts) that I felt that it could hardly be considered that I was bullying him (which I was accused of) or conducting a campaign against him.
I was then banned for a week, no warning, no explanation - I simply tried to log on and was faced with a notice that said that I was banned and that the banned would be lifted - never.
This was why I posted on GG facebook, I wasn't attention seeking or using it as an alternative vehicle to attack the moderation on the board, as they will attest I do it to them directly.
I am a passionate believer in moderated forums, and have no issues with punitive cooling off periods, but I get aggrieved when I had been subjected a a full day of winding up, which I responded to without insulting any of the posters personally, I simply attacked the content of their posts. I am quite capable of being derogatory to people without insulting their intelligence or personality or any other form of personal insults. You will look long and hard to find posts that I make where I am directly rude or insulting to people on a personal level - I do it to the content or quality of what they post, which I also have no problem with people doing to me. If you post, your post should be open season to comments about the post itself, if its stupid, you should be allowed to say it is, if you justify it (reasonably.)
I have made my feelings clear to both Crawley and Milo and see little point in airing them publically.
The comment that I did make that I am prepared to speak out about, was the enormous damage (I believe) that was done to the board over Redknapp. The rancourous posts and aggressive sniping by some of the anti phalanx was nothing short of poisonous (and possibly libellous in some cases) and I believe that the situation could have been avoided by tighter control over some posters. I think some of the bitterness and insulting behaviour on here will last a long time - as MK said, some of the smaller minded individuals that post will hold grudges for a long time.
I want to post in discussions with genuine Spurs fans and do so in a manner that people would do so, face to face in a social environment. In this thread I have been accused of being mentally unbalanced - yet the poster continues to post - who's fault is that?
I'm taking a sojourn, and cooling my heels so that I don't get any more of these bloody schoolboy punishment points, at the moment I have so many that if it was a driving licence, I wouldn't be allowed to walk for 5 years.
Agree with this. Unfortunately you still get posters who feel the need to belittle him and his achievements, and they have the nerve to accuse the pro Redknapp posters of not letting it go.
Is it not possible to agree on some points and disagree on others though Jurgen? TBH, I'm surprised it's still coming up.
There will always be disagreements on here. I just don't see why some posters still feel the need to call him "saggy chops" or a "****" rather than focus on the good he did. Hopefully once the season starts, it will stop for good.
Care to share or will that jeopardise the deal? ;-)haha
I was worried about the stick he was getting and PMed him
I had a PM return from him telling me why he was nailed on. #-o
Is it not possible to agree on some points and disagree on others though Jurgen? TBH, I'm surprised it's still coming up.
Agree with this. Unfortunately you still get posters who feel the need to belittle him and his achievements, and they have the nerve to accuse the pro Redknapp posters of not letting it go.
OMFG hahaha Diego mate!! Literally lol'd I meant as in one day you weren't then next day you were! Sorry mate!!
For the record, I was offered mod status
Unfortunately my work commitments mean that I cannot dedicate enough time to the board
I'm on here as much as anyone. Must be too outspoken which I won't apologise for.