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Next Manager?

If a journalist gets wind of this - like the financials are agreed between Spurs and the manager, then we get given stories that its "done" etc

Well yes, we obviously are speaking to people...but my point remains that we are on to our say 6th choice and whoever we go to next will know they were a long way down the list
I dunno. Find it strange that it took so long for them to realise one side was talking gross the other net.
Apparently there was this exact same issue when Gullitt was signing for Chelsea, he was thinking the wages quoted were net of tax and Chelsea were talking gross! Obviously Chelsea being Chelsea they just paid up (and were hours from going out of business until Roman saved them due to this sort of stuff!)
Well the ones that keep shouting their mouth off.
The club aren't saying anything, so how can they be bsing?

There have been several articles and reports in the early days of this managerial search where journos were quoting 'sources close to the club'. There's a lot of bs at times, but not all is imo.

You do also have to ask what the club's PR department are employed to do if they allow such bs to constantly go far an wide in the media. Often it takes just one 'trusted' journo to be briefed off the record to shoot the craziest rumours down if they are both untrue and damaging to the club's brand and image..
So quick couple of questions:

1) who do people think will be Tottenham Hotspur FC manager by the time the new season kicks off in August 2021?

2) who would people want (realistically) to be Tottenham Hotspur FC manager by the time the new season kicks off in August 2021?
There have been several articles and reports in the early days of this managerial search where journos were quoting 'sources close to the club'. There's a lot of bs at times, but not all is imo.

You do also have to ask what the club's PR department are employed to do if they allow such bs to constantly go far an wide in the media. Often it takes just one 'trusted' journo to be briefed off the record to shoot the craziest rumours down if they are both untrue and damaging to the club's brand and image..
Not that your going to go and check the reports but I don’t believe many have started with usual suspects
They have however been nipped in the bud but the more credible ones.
I think there is a pressure to follow now just in case it does come true. It’s almost ponzi reporting
There have been several articles and reports in the early days of this managerial search where journos were quoting 'sources close to the club'. There's a lot of bs at times, but not all is imo.

You do also have to ask what the club's PR department are employed to do if they allow such bs to constantly go far an wide in the media. Often it takes just one 'trusted' journo to be briefed off the record to shoot the craziest rumours down if they are both untrue and damaging to the club's brand and image..

The trouble with that is that it is precedent setting. You shoot down one crazy rumour, then if you don't shoot down the next, it must therefore be true. Sticking to the 'we don't comment on speculation' line is at least consistent even it if does leave a vacuum for all and sundry to fill with rumour, guesswork or just plain rubbish.
So quick couple of questions:

1) who do people think will be Tottenham Hotspur FC manager by the time the new season kicks off in August 2021?

2) who would people want (realistically) to be Tottenham Hotspur FC manager by the time the new season kicks off in August 2021?
Want … Potter. Wanted him for about a year now and more people have come on board with the idea it seems
We will have …. Fonseca. We can ball the whole gattuso thing enough IMO. I also think he will be a very good appointment. I did my research on him (more than the press do) and if he can get 6 months to embed his plans we will step up.
There have been several articles and reports in the early days of this managerial search where journos were quoting 'sources close to the club'. There's a lot of bs at times, but not all is imo.

You do also have to ask what the club's PR department are employed to do if they allow such bs to constantly go far an wide in the media. Often it takes just one 'trusted' journo to be briefed off the record to shoot the craziest rumours down if they are both untrue and damaging to the club's brand and image..

The "trusted" journos that are rehashing stories from the Italian guy that's got nothing right yet?
These guys are paid for stories and clicks, no stories, no clicks no pay.
The club haven't given them a story, so they make it up or rehash someone else bs.
Fans getting their knickers in a twist about twitter rumours isn't bad pr, it's just life now.
So quick couple of questions:

1) who do people think will be Tottenham Hotspur FC manager by the time the new season kicks off in August 2021?

2) who would people want (realistically) to be Tottenham Hotspur FC manager by the time the new season kicks off in August 2021?

1. Martinez
2. Potter
The trouble with that is that it is precedent setting. You shoot down one crazy rumour, then if you don't shoot down the next, it must therefore be true. Sticking to the 'we don't comment on speculation' line is at least consistent even it if does leave a vacuum for all and sundry to fill with rumour, guesswork or just plain rubbish.

I get the not commenting 'officially' as that is tirsome, but it just takes a quick quote from a 'truted' journo saying "insiders at the club are bewildered at where this has come from" etc etc.
We've done it countless times before..
The trouble with that is that it is precedent setting. You shoot down one crazy rumour, then if you don't shoot down the next, it must therefore be true. Sticking to the 'we don't comment on speculation' line is at least consistent even it if does leave a vacuum for all and sundry to fill with rumour, guesswork or just plain rubbish.

Also we presume that everything the club tells the 'trusted' journos off the record, is truthful. The reason the clubs are keeping it off the record is sometimes it isn't true. The club might occasionally use this - as agents and many actors in football do - to influence proceedings. Fans lap it up, but any media nonsense without an attributed on record source shouldn't be taken too seriously.
So quick couple of questions:

1) who do people think will be Tottenham Hotspur FC manager by the time the new season kicks off in August 2021?

2) who would people want (realistically) to be Tottenham Hotspur FC manager by the time the new season kicks off in August 2021?

Always felt it would be ETH, I think he may be waiting to see how fdb gets on with the Dutch job, possible vacancy there.

Is poch realistic? That's who I'd want, but would be happy with ETH, potter and the fonz.
The "trusted" journos that are rehashing stories from the Italian guy that's got nothing right yet?
These guys are paid for stories and clicks, no stories, no clicks no pay.
The club haven't given them a story, so they make it up or rehash someone else bs.
Fans getting their knickers in a twist about twitter rumours isn't bad pr, it's just life now.

If we subscribe to the logic that we can’t believe everything we read/hear and go with the facts which isn’t unreasonable then we are left with the fact that we sacked a manager nearly two months ago and don’t have a replacement. If you’re going to sack a manager you’d have to assume there is some kind of succession plan in place to replace the incumbent. Either we have had talks with numerous managers who have turned us down or we have pulled the plug on, or we have gone nearly two months without doing anything and meanwhile other clubs are buying players and we can’t because we don’t have a manager.
The "trusted" journos that are rehashing stories from the Italian guy that's got nothing right yet?
These guys are paid for stories and clicks, no stories, no clicks no pay.
The club haven't given them a story, so they make it up or rehash someone else bs.
Fans getting their knickers in a twist about twitter rumours isn't bad pr, it's just life now.

I get that they have inches to fill. But we are a brand 'supposedly' and it doesn't trake much to quieten some of the bs, especially the ones sourced from Italy. It just takes a british-based Journo to say "The club don't understand where these stories are coming from" or "sources close to the club have deined x y z"...
Doesn't have to be for every rumour just the crackpot ones that potentially damage the clubs image and make us look like West Ham on steroids.
We aren't the only club that journos can make rumours up about either...
Some of you still don't get how club reporting works and think everything journos put out are "rumours".

Gattuso was happening 100%.

Club reporters Gold, Kilpatrick, Pitt Brooke confirmed it.

They don't put anything out with first contacting the club press office. Why? because they'll lose access.

The likes of Gold and Kilpatrick don't have any other source of info within football bar the club itself. Without them they are out of a job. The are not big time journos. They work for small titles.

Right now the club is leaking a good news Son contact story to them.

They would not have that story if they were making unsavoury stories about the club up.