At last. Suffering some serious withdrawal. Even had to make a post on different forum just to take the edge off. It was just the one, I swear.
Well done scara, you are a prince among men.
I visited fighting rooster to keep me going, and I have to say it's no comparison to this place. I remember scouring the forums before deciding which to join when I was looking for advice on getting to a game and settling on this one as everyone seemed friendly and sensible, well for the Internet.
Keep up the good work lads, this is such a great place
This.I have been reduced to doing work at work.
Just not on.
And now they're all back hereI ended up having to lurk over at the Spurs Community while this site was down. . . . . there are some right knob heads on that forum.
thank fudge, i'm about to be thrown off guardian comments again
is everybody ok, has anyone seen dave
That was you was it?
You should see the reaction when you call the Moonbat an inbred, treasonous, departed, hypocritical, economic illiterate.they are so touchy over there, you call one person a clam and you are on post moderation
cry babies
Too right. Felt like my right arm had been amputated.longest week of my life![]()