Been forced to watch love island a bit with the mrs and nothing…
but when I saw this kit I got a huge Erect~ion
Bet they'll sell tons of these.
I like it! There are just too many soulless and boring kits. This one certainly isn't!
No one else has anything like it, which is also a good thing.
Mine's on it's way!
This one's a keeper. 10 years down the line it'll be worth a fortune!
A few mates have asked their kids what they think of it and they all love it.... All of them have said they want this kit instead of the home kit.
It was clearly designed for the yoot and by that measure is likely to be a big success.
(let's face it grown men have no right to be wearing a football shirt anyway unless they actually play for the club!)
I worked with a South African guy who used to express the same viewpoint as me when it came to grown men wearing club shirts. One company BBQ weekend he arrived in a Natal Sharks rugby shirt to be greeted with a few comments from some of the younger staff members who he had chastised previously for wearing their football shirts. '"Perhaps you'd care to go and look up the 1990 Natal Sharks Teamsheet" was his reply.My dad is sadly no longer with us but this post pretty much mirrors his views on grown men and football shirtsI never, ever saw him wear one. His philosophy was always that people should dress appropriately for their age. I wear football shirts when I go for a run, occasionally when I go to a match or if I am watching a cup final at home. Other than that I agree grown men wearing them isn’t a good look unless you have a footballer’s physique. Most men over 30 have the physique of a pre-season Willian.
Re the new kit, I hated it when I first saw it but I really like it now. Probably am more likely to get the away kit than the home shirt. Id like to see them in the flesh before I buy any of them though.
I don’t understand why a grown man can’t wear a kit? What’s the issue?
Can we also outlaw men going topless in public? Unless you are in the garden or on a beach there should be no excuse for going out with a shirt on.