Steffen Freund
So basically, blue line = profit.
I don't hate the new shirt, I don't really have much feeling either way but what I do know is that it's generally gone down like a lead balloon amongst Spurs fans. If Spurs' wisdom and research says that sticking an extraneous navy line on it will result in increased sales then I bow to their superior knowledge.
i think its about brand awareness in the market (the market being awareness of each football clubs brand!)
Man U started it in England (although i think Juve? did it first if i remember) when they started to release 3rd kits (you know, the days when 3rd kits were only produced just in case there was a double colour clash) and then when they changed both their kits in consecutive seasons (you know, in the days when when you kept a kit for 2 years, only changing one each year).
After that other clubs followed suit and the race for global brand awareness moved into overdrive, trying to target new markets and new consumers so you can sell them pencil cases and novelty player figures etc.
And as such, now every top club is trying all it can to release more and more with their nice little badge, sorry brand, on.
Like "anthem jackets" - where the F did they come from!? There is no need for them other than to be another thing to buy and another way to get as many people as possible wearing the brand, which in turns creates greater buy in from their peer groups - especially overseas where you are more likely to support a club that was marketed to you than one that was passed down from a parent or is in the area in which you live