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Neil Armstrong


Jack L. Jones
I can't believe he didn't get a thread on here. One of the most important figures of the 20th century. Tut [-(



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I know he was 82, but hey! He went to the moon & walked there. How cool is that! True inspiration, all the astronauts. I was born, as I believe Crawley was, in the year the first man orbited earth, so going into space is a big deal to me.

It was lurking in The Space thread.
One of the few men in the world i had respect for, i loved how he decided to then take a step back and live a quiet life.

He was always on my list as a fantasy dinner guest.

I can't imagine what the raw emotion that stepping onto the moon and seeing that big blue marble in the sky must have been like. The select few that have experienced such a feeling are so lucky.