Come on mate you called me a little man and told me to bore off, it it doesn't interest you what i'm posting don't read it. Certainly don't get all upset and play the victim when i come back at you, that was just me standing up for myself.
I apologise if it came across as me belittling you, that in no way was my intention. You should know from any of my posts that i respect anyone that's trying to better themselves or make something of themselves and respect to you with your music, i watched the vid you posted and it was quality, not my type of music, but you were very good. btw I actually thought you'd given it up to concentrate on your filming career. With the music, the advice i would give is to not give up, decide your niche and stick with it, more than anything though never lose your edge. The mask thing came across as ridiculous but i can see you were looking for something that set you apart, got you noticed. Why a mask though, why not your music. If your playing to an audience and they're not interested then come up with something that makes them listen, work on your vocals, if you sound like any other singer out there, change your style, look at someone like Amy Winehouse, what a voice she made people sit up and listen, but she had an image and lifestyle that crossed over from the hipsters to the norm..... You know i saw her years before she was famous playing the barfly in Camden, i was filming a name band there i was friends with at the time, the support was a guy playing Johnny Rebel Yankee style big bass drum (the type strapped on front) and she was singing/shouting along in a Yankee civil war style.... surreal, but she looked different event then, although not the same image she had later.
It was my opinion that there is a reason why things things like what dawaxman highlighted are becoming more prevalent and in the end it comes down to politics it gets dealt with. Do i think things got worse in the last Government - 'Yes', do i think they have got better in this one - 'Not really'. I do get a bit carried away attacking the left, but you know its not really the Left ideology i'm attacking though, its the fact that they never answer a question with a straight answer and its always someone else's fault, i also dislike jealousy and envy. I could post many if not more arguments about the right, but there's no one left on this board to take the fight to....... I've said it before there has to be another way and one day there will be i'm sure..... **** politics everyone should be put on prozac and learn to just smile and be happy.
One thing i've learnt coming on this board (and having been a lurker since the days of we8cambell and Jeff Jackson) is you have to stand your ground otherwise you'll be hounded off here. How many great posters have gone because their thoughts or ideology didn't meet the requirements of some.
Peace and Love from someone who see's the world as one.
btw i play guitar and sing, it was an o2 wireless festival
Thanks man, that's a really cool response and I appreciate you taking the time to go through what i wrote. With regards to the 'little man' and 'bore off' comments, I reiterate that wasn't directed at you alone and in fact just came out of frustration (I hadn't even read the whole thread to be honest at that point!). I apologise. Trust me, I don't take anything to heart on here or play the victim, it's a bloody Spurs football forum after all!
I should let you know, when it comes to political discussions, your posts are always ones I look out for, I do agree with some of your views, whilst at the same time agreeing with some of your sparring partners on here as well

If I'm labeled as anything, I'm a hippy at heart dude, so when I see people arguing about politics in a thread that doesn't necessarily require an argument, it gets my back up. I can totally appreciate that there is a place for a discussion about how the two link as you mentioned earlier, my personal feeling was that this didn't need to be it, but that doesn't make me right (or left!).
I really appreciate the advice and I agree. Until I started achieving a semblance of small success in OZ/NZ, I was feeling a bit disillusioned with the industry, especially as I was seeing people with clearly less musical/vocal/writing talent around me being successful through wearing a gimmicky coat or a shorter skirt/low cut top, bit of face paint etc getting picked up (ironic I know considering my avatar, strangely for some I'm happy to dress like that at parties but it's straight up jeans and t-shirt mostly on stage) Then I thought, **** it, I'll go with a mask idea. And yes, it was clearly ridiculous and I'm glad I came to my senses (and my label did too) before I actually implemented the idea. The best thing that came out of that was the avatar Dayo created for me (Best Avatar of 2013 don't you know)! As a youngster I was heavily influenced by artists who believe above all, performance, writing and heart were the most important ingredients for making a successful living out of music, and I actually feel that is slowly cycling it's way back. Coming back to London, I've been hiding myself away writing and gigging small events ready to unleash in the not too distant future
I knew Amy and her family personally, we were both from the same area and shared friends. I'll never forget the first time I heard her sing, in the living room of her cousins house. My friend and I had just played a song and everyone wanted her to play on. She was drunk and didn't want to as she would 'sound out of tune'. We convinced her and she got a guitar and let rip. I'll never, ever forget that moment. You know when you just....know? Incidentally, the guy I was playing with at the time has just completed a three night stint with his band supporting the Stones in Europe. When I saw him recently I reminded him of when we played a gig at a Uni of original material and some ****ed guy at the front kept shouting at us to 'stop playing this **** and play some Oasis'. I imagine he probably felt the same then as he did supporting the Stones....
Anyway, I've gone massively off topic here! Thanks RC, peace love and light to you compadre (or comrade, whatever makes you happy
