Jimmy Neighbour
Bringing Sissoko and Bale on just means that instead of going down to 10 men with Bale you now have just 9 because Sissoko is useless turd who offers nothing not even defensive cover as witnessed on Sunday.I'm not a Sissoko fan. But I can the logic that if you are gonna take Lucus off for Bale on the right that you need to put on Sissoko behind him to give more defensive cover than Lo Celso.
There's this myth that because he's big and black he's some sort of defensive worker in midfield. It's nonsense. He's a load of brick. Can't pass, hides from the ball, awful reading of the play always reacting to what has happened never anticipating. He's bloody useless and the moment we subbed him on we essentially rolled over and said take our belly.