Just been told I need my gall bladder removing. Soon.
Will be nothing left of me to bury at this rate.
Anyone else with experience of gall bladder removal? What joys can I expect? I know I will have to quit fatty foods.
Not really anxious. I'm more resigned to it now.
Eyes, kidneys, spine, gall bladder, dingdong reduction. All in a days work.
Sorry to hear that Crawley boy - didnt realise 25 yr olds need their gall bladder removed etc.
Good man. Good man. Like your style.
What did you want for Christmas again?
Good Luck with the operation, Crawley. Is it keyhole surgery?
When you get to our age, we are to expect a few creaks!!!
It's actually a very common procedure
Only the colonoscopy part is painful (which only lasts a few minutes or so)
The main bit of surgery you won't feel, as they'll do a general for the core op
Is the kidney stent through your **** or something? Nasty
Do you want the full explanation of how it's done? :lol:
My sister had her gall bladder out this year. You'll be glad to be rid of it if its causing you problems trust me. She had a gall stone, gave her endless problems, but she's fine ever since they removed the stone and the bladder. She was off work for a few weeks, but she was back to normal in no time.