Luke Young
I was in boarding school in the uk from 9 years old (plus i was also from a different country). So i got used to being away from loved ones very early. It was interesting because during the A-Level years (16-18 yrs old) our school had day schoolers, so this meant there were pupils that attended classes but went home every day. They simply couldn't comprehend how us boarders did not go home to our parents every evening because that was the norm for pretty much all families in the UK.
At that young age being away from your natural base and support structure is really a big deal. Just because you play football doesn't lessen the natural anchor you have at home because that is a human emotion. But i will say that going away will add hugely to his development as a person and further that transition from boy to man. Whether he makes it with us (or anyone) is probably up for debate but as a person he'll benefit immensely from this experience and i do hope he fully realises his potential with us because he seems like he has huge natural talent that needs to be harnessed and i hope we are the ones that reap the rewards.
At that young age being away from your natural base and support structure is really a big deal. Just because you play football doesn't lessen the natural anchor you have at home because that is a human emotion. But i will say that going away will add hugely to his development as a person and further that transition from boy to man. Whether he makes it with us (or anyone) is probably up for debate but as a person he'll benefit immensely from this experience and i do hope he fully realises his potential with us because he seems like he has huge natural talent that needs to be harnessed and i hope we are the ones that reap the rewards.