Jurgen the German
Willie Hall
First of, it's a cold, not man flu. Second of all, if you are having a day off for a cold, then you should get a prescription for a set of testicles. No one likes having colds, deal with it.
Anyone got any remedies for a chesty cough?
Its fudging killing me. I have downed some night nurse but has done nothing. I have had honey and milk and has done jack brick. I have had tea with honey and lemon and has done fudge all.
I want someone to open up my chest and pour some soothing mixture in there.
Ginola I have ust watched ugly betty - I couldnt get it up even if I had cilias or whatever its called
I will stick to the milk and honey. I dont have turmerac hell I barely have milk haha.
its getting better - today i can actually think and not in pain like yesterday. Yesterday was horrible.
Milk those tits buddy im sure the is enough in there.
One remedy I have found which works quite well is when you can feel the beginnings of a cold and your throat starts to get scratchy gargle with iodized salt water multiple times a day. Sounds pointless but it has worked on more than a few occasions.
I read this yesterday whilst googling for remedies. Where the fudge do you buy iodized salt? and what the hell are we eating if its not iodized? UNiodized? what the hell is the difference. arghhhh
It contains iodine.
Worldwide, iodine deficiency affects about two billion people and is the leading preventable cause of mental departation.
It contains iodine.
Worldwide, iodine deficiency affects about two billion people and is the leading preventable cause of mental departation.
It is in my opinion. Genuinely don't see the need to call in sick. Genuinely.
I had 10 jobs last week in the cab 6 of them were sneezing not one of the ****s had their hand over the face. I got the snifffles today but im going to stop this fudger in its tracks, lemslip and a hot bath.
People who are ill should stay home. They just infect others with their germs and that massively effects productivity. Work is a breeding ground for disease. People touching light switches, door handles and security pads and buttons is perfect for the spread of germs. I'm lucky that I'm not ill regularly (1 incidence in 3 years) but if people are ill they should stay the fudge away from work. It's irresponsible to come in. My boss fudges me off because he makes people feel like they can't be ill and he martyrs himself when he's sick.
It's gonads IMO.
But of course we all know people who take the tinkle. My wife ha a worker who had 13 seperate incidents in 9 months.