Vivian Woodward
Keep politics out of Sport.
Not a chance.
Keep politics out of Sport.
The club PR need to get this guy off Twitter now!
Or at least ban him from discussing politics...
They really don't.
I'm glad he cares so much for his country and wants to see change after the horrors that have been there.
People voted for him not entirely because they are all hateful persons who hold opinions we cannot understand but because they wanted justice and accountability: they wanted jobs, food, housing and security. They wanted change, hope, a feeling of being in control of their fate. Brazil’s murder rate reached 63,880 last year, which is twice the number in the United States and the European Union combined. Why should people live with that terror? Indeed, what kind of life is it supposed to be? Wouldn’t you vote for an agent of change if your streets were awash with the headless corpses of defaulting drug users and dealers? If the left-wing and centre-left and centre-right and ‘Third Way’ aren’t capable of satisfying basic human needs, it ought to come as no surprise that people swing to the right.
Which some may term ‘far-right’.
They really don't.
I'm glad he cares so much for his country and wants to see change after the horrors that have been there.
People voted for him not entirely because they are all hateful persons who hold opinions we cannot understand but because they wanted justice and accountability: they wanted jobs, food, housing and security. They wanted change, hope, a feeling of being in control of their fate. Brazil’s murder rate reached 63,880 last year, which is twice the number in the United States and the European Union combined. Why should people live with that terror? Indeed, what kind of life is it supposed to be? Wouldn’t you vote for an agent of change if your streets were awash with the headless corpses of defaulting drug users and dealers? If the left-wing and centre-left and centre-right and ‘Third Way’ aren’t capable of satisfying basic human needs, it ought to come as no surprise that people swing to the right.
Which some may term ‘far-right’.
This is the key phrase.That's all well and good and people are free to vote for who they wish; but reading some of this guys views on immigrants and that migrants from certain parts of the world are "scum of humanity" i think to be openly endorsing this guy is bringing far too much baggage if he continues.
It'll probably bring more baggage than if say, we had am American player who kept on and on endorsing Trump. First time so it's known where you stand is fine, after that i think it needn't be continuously mentioned as Lucas seems to be doing.
There is a reason most sports professionals are asked by advisers to steer away from politics...
Reminds me of the death or unga bunga joke for some reason.I read that lots of LGBT people voted for him regardless as they feel despite his views the country is in such a mess that they can overlook them. The previous party were in power for 13 years and have left a huge recession, massive crime rates, corruption/bribery endemic and loads of them are in prison or about to be so you can't blame people voting for something different.
Here's the thing - loads of Germans didn't find Hitler abhorrent. Loads of Soviets didn't find Stalin abhorrent, loads of Chinese didn't find Mao abhorrent. And Hitler won an election - so was that cool too? And as you seem to be such an expert on Brazilian politics, what 'hope' does Bolsonaro offer (if you don't include homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and a love of torture/killing of political dissidents)This is the key phrase.
All Moura has done so far is support a democratic decision that offers hope.
Not a coup or uprising
Yes I find the Bolsanro abhorrent.
But clearly Brazilians don't.
And Moura is Brazilian.
If he starts specially or regularly supporting value that go against the image of Tottenham, then I'm sure we'll act.
They really don't.
I'm glad he cares so much for his country and wants to see change after the horrors that have been there.
People voted for him not entirely because they are all hateful persons who hold opinions we cannot understand but because they wanted justice and accountability: they wanted jobs, food, housing and security. They wanted change, hope, a feeling of being in control of their fate. Brazil’s murder rate reached 63,880 last year, which is twice the number in the United States and the European Union combined. Why should people live with that terror? Indeed, what kind of life is it supposed to be? Wouldn’t you vote for an agent of change if your streets were awash with the headless corpses of defaulting drug users and dealers? If the left-wing and centre-left and centre-right and ‘Third Way’ aren’t capable of satisfying basic human needs, it ought to come as no surprise that people swing to the right.
Which some may term ‘far-right’.
Bolsonaro IS the “far-right”...and many Brazilians are doing that thing of listening to a populist! He will still have to deal with the system in Brazil (unless he intends to just shoot it all) and so you will have a leader who espouses separatist hateful views and watched the public take them on, all the while blaming “liberals in gvmt” for nothing really changing. What could possibly go wrong?
Sitting on my porcelain throne using mobile app
Here's the thing - loads of Germans didn't find Hitler abhorrent. Loads of Soviets didn't find Stalin abhorrent, loads of Chinese didn't find Mao abhorrent. And Hitler won an election - so was that cool too? And as you seem to be such an expert on Brazilian politics, what 'hope' does Bolsonaro offer (if you don't include homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny and a love of torture/killing of political dissidents)
NoDidn't more than 50 million Brazilians abstain from voting, even though it's compulsory?
Either way the number was more than the total votes any candidate received. The problem here is widespread apathy and a completely broken political system (a worrying global trend if we're honest.)
Reminds me of the death or unga bunga joke for some reason.
So even if you add every single one of the invalids and blanks to the abstentions, it's less than either candidate received. Still a massive chunk though!
I stand corrected. You're right though. it's still an alarmingly high number!
I get what you're saying, but as someone whose had family killed in the holocaust and someone with a gay sister-in-law from Brasil and someone currently living in the US governed by Trump, it's hard to feel sympathy for people whose response to a tough childhood is to publicly support a politician as violent and hateful as Bolsonaro.
These are quotes from the man Lucas is so happy about:
The Military Police should have killed 1,000 rather than 111 prisoners in the Carandiru massacre.
I'm in favour of torture.
if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up.
I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I wouldn't be a hypocrite. I prefer that he die in an accident than show up with some guy with a moustache.
A policeman who doesn’t kill isn’t a policeman.
With us [in office], there will be no such human rights politicking.
We're going to put an end to all the activisms of Brazil.
Jeez...and this dude got elected??