Point out where I am wrong,without making yourself look totally ignorant of economic theory.
While I'm certainly no expert, I have taken a strong interest in macroeconomic theory in the last few years and have had many discussions with my economist friends on the benefits of Keynesian vs Austrian economics.
You're argument is misunderstanding basic supply and demand. Prices (inlcuding wages i.e. the price of labour) is set based on supply and demand. You are claiming that high unemployment means lower wages, but unfortunately with the minimum wage that is not true. In the lowest skilled jobs, high unemployment has no effect on wages due to the minimum wage. This is why the majority of economists do not support the minimum wage.
If there was no minimum wage you would be correct, wages would be much closer linked to employment, but that doesn't mean that we need unemployment any more than we need an excess of any commodity. The price would rise and fall with supply and demand, and with falling supply people would earn higher wages. I'm confused as to why you think this would be a bad thing.
The most ridiculous of your ideas is that we need people on welfare. Welfare
is out of the goodness of peoples hearts, because almost all believe that in a civilised society you shouldn't have people starving or freezing to death. You claim we need those on welfare, as if it is better for the economy for them to get money from the government (via taxes) than in work. This isn't adding any value to an economy, it is merely shifting money from one person to another. By contrast, if they were employed by a company which is making profit, they are adding value to the economy.
You seem to look at profit as a bad thing. Everyone thinks of companies making profit as these evil corporations that are leeches to society. However, the truth of the matter is that a company makes profit because it produces goods and services that people choose to buy. It is that choice which adds value, and it is why redistribution of capital through taxation does not add value because taxes are collected through force (i.e. pay or go to jail).
However, even more important than profit is loss. While profit is an indicator that a company is adding value to the economy, loss is an indicator that a company is removing value from the economy. Here is (Nobel Prize winning) Milton Freidman explaining the point far better than myself.